Welcome, I dont know if I should feel good you found us here, or be embarrassed for my lack of ability, or feel sorry for making you endure this.
My only excuse is that this is my first time. I know it is not an acceptable excuse, but it is the best I can do. Like all men, I am eager to learn, and willing to be taught. I will hopefully be working on it daily. I get excited about it being hard, and I hope to be able to please you with what I will learn. If you have advice, don't be afraid to share it with me. Let me know if anything is too short, too long, or if anything ends prematurely.
Yours Truly...............
Golden Panther
Don't be afraid to send me some advice, I won't hate you for very long. I love criticism. How do you expect me to get better if you dont tell me what you like, and what you dont? You know you can't just sit there like a bump, please help me out. My email: |
Click for ScareCrows Schedule for 1999-2000.