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Detreax Theros

Detreax started his life hard.  His mother died while giving birth to
him,  or at least that's what he was told, and that is the only thing he
ever knew about her.  The reason he didn't know anymore than that is
simply his father was never around.  His father was a traveling bard,
who didn't even want Detreax in the first place.  But since his father
  had Detreax he felt a little responsible.  Now
when I say little I mean little, what his father did was buy a house,
rent a nurse and left.  That's it, he was home to see his son maybe twice
every month, and that's was if Detreax was lucky.  When Detreax
got old enough to live on his own, his father fired the nurse, and just
left money with Detreax to buy food.  The problem with that is his
father was gone so much that he didn't leave enough so Detreax had to
turn to stealing to be able to live.  One day Detreax got caught
stealing from a local nobleman, and instead of turning
Detreax into the authorities, the nobleman sold him as a slave to someone he knew would buy
Detreax.  It was a hard life after that, the man he was sold to, which
he never knew the name of cause he had to call the man Master, was a
mean man.  His master would take any anger out on Detreax whether or not
it was his fault.  One night after a severe beating, which Detreax didn't
even know why he received it, and had left one eye swollen shut, he prayed to
the gods asking for one of them to save him.  He made a promise that if
a god would save him he would devote his life to their cause and
service.  After he prayed he fell into a deep slumber and dreamed a
dream.  In his dream he saw a vulture holding a scythe in his talons hovering
over his master who was fallen and naked on the groundl.
Then a man with a hood and spiked armor came out of the shadows and took the vulture and left  When
Detreax awoke he was safe in the forest  He quickly made his way the
city and followed up on his promise, knowing that it was Kolfax who had
answered him.  He is always on the look out for the man who he calls his
master, not knowing his name, but never forgetting his face.
Okay let me tell you his personality real quick:
Detreax is a light hearted type of guy, he makes people laugh for two
reasons.  The first one is because he's afraid if he gets to serious
himself he well go crazy.  The second is because he has seen how hard
life can get and he feels that if he can make people laugh he is somehow
saving them from the seriousness of real life.  But he isn't always
goofing  around, he can become serious at  a moments notice, it is
almost like he has split personalities.  He has a disgruntled outlook on life though
normally though. From this his humor and joking is mostly sarcastic and mocking of the stupid people around him.
He wants to serve Kolfax as much as possible, and becuase of this has devoted his life to learning magic.
And any who refuse to accept Kolfax as thier lord, shall suffer forever.
 You are the soul  to visit this prison.

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