I think I sor t of look down on rich & spoiled(which aren't synonymous) kids and want them far away from me. I feel sorry for people who’s parents have given them every superflous thing imaginable and taught that they deserve and will get everything they want in life. Therefore creating a monster to society because of their inconsideration, selfishness and other related weaknesses. Whenever people start telling me about their problems my eyes sort of glaze over, and I’m like oh no, you ran out of money shopping at Bloomingdale’s for the 3rd time in a week, how awful. You crashed your brand new car into a tree and your parents didn’t buy you the newer model you wanted as a replacement- wrong. But my heart’s not really in it. I listen dispassionately and pray/hope that they’ll realize how priveleged they are. Don’t get me wrong I am not jealous of them, or the wealth they possess. Far from it. Some of the things I’ve seen monied folks do makes me want to run as far away from it as I can. Anyways, it’s the group of people I kinda asked God to keep away from me. Strangely enough my prayers have been answered in an unexpected way.
This summer, in addition to other things, I’ve been teaching an SAT class. My students tend to come from well-off families. 17 yr. Olds pull up in brand new bmw’s and in one class 75% of my students own cell phones. In the first class I had to come down hard cuz someone tried to answer their phone in class. What?! So I was late to one of my classes cuz I went to church and then dropped my friend off in San Rafael. The whole time I was driving I had such a bitter attitude. I asked God how can you allow me to be stuck in traffic when I’m running late. Needless to say 80% of the class had left by the time I got there. So I gave the two remaining students a ride home. And we had such interesting conversations. I apologized for being late and told them I had given my friend a ride home after church. But it was the coolest thing. We started talking about church and christianity and other equally cool subjects. Afterwards, I realized how God allowed my eyes to be open to the humanity of my students. Instead of seeing them as a group with characteristics, I happen to dislike, seeing them as individuals who , (like everyone else) need a relationship with the true and living God. It’s not a new idea but it’s something I keep relearning. My attitude is slowly but surely changing. It might take awhile to get rid of my prejudices but I know it’s only a matter of time before they disappear. I think it’s a slow process because sometimes I don’t know the things I believe about people until I’m confronted with them.