march 30, 2000

I watch about 4 movies a year or less. i'm just not a real moviegoer. If anything i'd rather wait till something comes out on video cuz it'll be cheaper. but then after waiting so long to see it, i forget about it. Which is why it's a surprise to me that i went to see Romeo Must Die on Friday. I mean i didn't even know that it was coming out until my friend said she wanted to see it. But i'm glad we went to see it cuz i could be up to date on its discussion and analysis on JBB. And besides i really liked it. I thought it was innovative and Trish was beautiful. I guess i was just feeling it cuz of the hip-hop soundtrack. it's been so long since i've listened to anything with flavor so i was loving it. Don't get me wrong i love Jennifer Knapp (it's the only music i listen to right now) but sometimes your ears crave a beat.

Now that i think about it Friday was an awesome day. From the minute i stepped out of my house i was pumped. First thing i do when i get to campus, check email. Then i go work on a banner for praise nite 2000. then i had to check the recital hall out with my friend Love. It's a good thing Love was there cuz i have zero knowledge about music or muscial equipment. I was a spectator as they discussed channels and mikes, etc. Afterwards we prayed. I mean we prayed. And the cool thing is we prayed until we were done. you know what i mean? It was awesome. So we're singing all these different songs, and i start singing Be thou My Vision. and they didn't know it. and i was bummed cuz my parents don't know it either. Which is saying something cuz my mom can sing about 200 hymns from memory but she hasn't heard Be Thou My vision. oh well.Then i went to Costco, the movie theatre, home and then to church. I got to Church at about 11pm.

Now i don't know what they started with but around the time i got there people started sharing their testimonies. And i was bawling. Testimonies are so powerful, i wish that sometimes we could just have testimony services. Because it just forces you to remember God's goodness. for me we could have ended the service right there, but instead we kept going until 6am. I was awake and engaged until around 5am, then i started nodding off.

The ends never justify the means. This is something i've been thinking about lately. Especially since Danny had that entry about the researcher who found a connection between the decreasing crime rate and increasing abortion rate. I remember that i happened to hear something about it on the news and it just made my blood boil. Cuz i couldn't believe that people would think that it was acceptable to use one evil to offset another.

But what really got me wandering about this is how people who cut corners seem to get things done more quickly. From now on my entries are going to be stream of consciousness. Wait, you say haven't they always been disorganized ramblings? Well at least now i'll be honest with myself about it and won't try to organize it at all. if you get hopelessly lost please let me know.

See i want to respond to Eric's thought about church membership cuz i have so much to say. But then i don't because it's so easy to be critical of church and churches and i feel like i can't even talk about it objectively. So in a certain sense, talking about relationships is neutral territory. So maybe that's why Eric's thought about relationships generated so much discussion. Or maybe it's cause it's something that weighs heavy on our minds as young adults. Who knows?

But in regards to being an outsider at Church... See i think it's a good thing. Cuz i've been to so many churches in my life and i've been an outsider at most of them. There was the church in Nigeria(5 yrs), i think that's where i was most comfortable, Apostolic Faith(3 yrs), Crenshaw Christian Center(5yrs), Peninsula Bible Church(3 wks.), Abundant Life(3 wks), Black Church at Stanford(6 mths) and Korean Central Presbyterian(10 mths), and Faithful Central(2 mths). So i've come to grips with it. I can't be an insider i don't know what it means. But i think there is a plus side to attending different churches and looking in, but not being in. cuz i think that sometimes when a person has attended the same church since their birth they have a very narrow understanding of their christianity. And sometimes their christian belief becomes synonymous with the pratices of the church. So it's good to be seperate from a church at times so you can say this is biblical, and this belongs to this local church.

In fact of the churches i've attended the two which have shaped me the most have been CCC and KCPC. So i think there is a fine line. You want to go to a church where you belong because intimacy creates a forum for growth and challenge in the context of relationships. But on the other hand you can be so in, that you can't be taken out of that context and survive on your own. so i guess what i'm saying is it's good to be in, but when you're an outsider use it to the fullest. Like use it to depend on God alone. Cuz i know for me it was hard to trust God for everything when i didn't have my friends, fellowship and everyone cheering for me. but when i was forced to, it made my faith and my relationship with God stronger.

I was listening to Focus on the Family last week. Their guest was the woman who wrote some book. i think it's called "What our Mothers didn't tell us" or something like that. Basically this lady claims that a womans greatest joy and fulfillment in life will come from her children and her family. Not a career. But i only listened for about 5 min. so i could have misconstrued what she said. Anyhow, i just remember that someone referenced an article by probably the same woman on their web page last year. If this is you please direct me to the appropriate web site. Thanks!

Eric, I know what you're talking about. I used to cook stuff and eat it for about 6 weeks. I think it's cuz the fridges in Mirrielees are really good. The key is to cook a lot of something and then freeze half of it immediately. Then you can pull it out when you're done with the first half and it'll be almost fresh. My roommate was horrified and used to throw stuff out behind my back. But it's cuz my sister trained me to never throw away food. She was always eating rotten food. I mean rotten. Like smelling. And it used to always worry my mom. But you know what? She never, ever got sick. her immune system is so strong cuz she's been eating like that all her life. When i went to visit her in Ithaca last year we went grocery shopping. She only goes grocery shopping every two months. So this is my advice to you, to prevent future illnesses from eating rotten food, eat as much of it now as possible. And your body will get used to it. Home
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