I've had a really, really uneventful week. But things are about to get more exciting because my brother came home from Berkeley yesterday. I'm really looking forward to everyone coming home. I wouldn't say we're a close family as such, but i love everybody. We have some pretty amazing personalities in our family and sometimes everything is peaceful and other times it can be quite explosive. Hopefully for the two weeks that we're all at home it will be peaceful.
I spend a lot of time thinking. Especially when I'm riding the bus, just waking up or trying to fall asleep.d What's weird is that the amount of stuff I get done in a day or even in a year is in no way directly proportional to the amount of time I spend thinking. One day I woke up and I couldn't get out of bed because i couldn't decide what to wear to class. For thirty minutes I agonized over wearing the blue dress (which I hate) because my white pants were dirty. So finally I jump out of bed at 8:58 run to my closet and throw on some clothes. Lying in bed thinking about it just magnified the problem out of proportion because my mind wasn't fully functional yet.
Today I woke up at 5:39 which was two minutes after my mom called my name. I can never just jump out of bed. I have to open my eyes and convince myself to get out of bed. So I grab my glasses from the drawer, pick my Bible off the bed and then climb on to the couch to get my wrap off the wall. I hung it there about two weeks ago for decoration but this morning I decided that i needed it covering my upper body because it was too cold to sit around in my tshirt. My parents were the only one in the living room and they picked a hymn for us to sing. My brothers slowly filtered in and opened their hymn books. None of us children knew that hymn so after my mom and dad finished singing it we picked "Come we that Love the Lord". It was a pretty rousing hymn compared to what's out there. Anyways after family prayer I went to get dressed for school. At approximately 6:45 my mom, my brother and I headed out the door and entered the car. A few minutes later my mom dropped me off at the crosswalk. I turn around as I am walking down the block and I realize my bus is coming so I set off for my block long sprint. As i am running i see my mom's car pull up beside me and I wave her away cuz i'm sure it'll slow me down to get back into the car. I make it to the bus just before it pulls away and I see my mom turn the corner and a feeling of elation fills me. There's just something about catching a bus and waving goodbye to my other family members that makes me really happy.