BRIEF Curriculum Vitae – October 2003


·        Julio César Sandria Reynoso is Academic Technician in the Informatics Department of the Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (INECOL) in Xalapa, Veracruz, México.

·        Since 2000, he has been Professor of computer programming, software engineering and artificial intelligence in some universities of Xalapa.

·        He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering (1986-1991) and a MSc in Artificial Intelligence (1997-1999) from the Universidad Veracruzana in Xalapa.

·        He works in the INECOL since 1992, where he is software developer, database administrator and a support staff. He has developed administrative and academic software using programming languages like Clipper 5.2, Visual Basic 4 and 5, Delphi 5 and 7, ColdFusion 5 and MX, Java Server Pages and PL/SQL, managing databases like dBASE III, Paradox 5, Access 97, 2000 and Oracle 8 and 9i. Also he programs with C/C++, Perl, Pascal and Java. Since 2000, he works in the application of artificial intelligence techniques in the INECOL software development.

·        His main research topics are knowledge based systems, machine learning and data mining. He has an special interes on the application of artificial intelligence techniques to bioinformatics.

·        He is an IEEE Computer Society member since 2001.

·        He has presented papers in national and international conferences and has a publication in a national issue.

·        Complete CV: