Epsilon Alpha Chapter

California State University, Hayward


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"Who came to our gate seeking friendship... please come in. May you find here wings for your thoughts... stars for your intentions... and guidance through love of Sigma Sigma Sigma."
-Edna Conway Schmidt, Xi

A Description of our Sorority:

Sigma Sigma Sigma is a nationally recognized sorority of dedicated woman who serve the philanthropy of children. Founded in 1898, more than 50,000 members of Sigma Sigma Sigma celebrate 100 years of faithful sisterhood and friendship.

A Description of our Chapter:

The Epsilon Alpha Chapter was the first national sorority on the California State University, Hayward campus, founded in 1984. We are a diverse and fun loving chapter of our sorority, and offer many opportunities for a good time! However, we remain dedicated to our education, our principles, and our children's charities, raising money annually for Robbie Page Memorial Children's Hospital. We usually have more than 30 active members, and we are always looking to make new friends and sisters. Please feel free to email us for more information about our chapter with no obligation. Or, call our Rush Hotline at (510) 702-RUSH. We look forward to hearing from you!

EA Life | Events | History | Roster and Email | Symbols of Tri-Sigma | Other Chapters


Please note that the information on this page represents that of the Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma and not that of CSUH. Epsilon Alpha takes full responsibility for the information provided on this page. If there are any questions or comments regarding this page, please contact ourHaywire Correspondent for Epsilon Alpha.

Last Updated October 1998.