Poetry by Me
This a small collection of some of my attempts at poetry.
Articulation of Love and Hate

Articulation of love and hate

Let me articulate my mind state as you congegrate and associate.
Sit back.
Can you relate?
This is a true story of love and hate.
At the end you can evaluate
what I proclaimate,
but for now hear me.

Why do the dictate and determinate
formulate and evaluate?
They congregate while they separate and differentiate.
We must captivate for them
to interrogate what we initiate.
Let me elaborate.
They fabricate
and playa hate,
they manipulate to terminate,
they try to intimidate
and I hesitate
and procrastinate
to contemplate why they concentrate to
why can they celebrate
and get it straight
Let me communicate
I’m just searching for a soul mate.
I anticipate to participate
in what could lead to heartache.
And it’s so easy to mistake love to with what I infatuate.

Let me articulate my mind state
as you congregate and associate.
Sit back. Can you relate?
This is a true story of love and hate.
At the end you can evaluate what I proclamate,
but for now just hear me.

I see I must elaborate,
as this relationship we consummate.
My heart’s beat accelerates
when you initiate to stimulate.
It races as you operate, rotate,
as you penetrate.
I gravitate as you elevate,
levitate as you separate.
As you locate I lubricate
or saturate.
My body feels elate as you well…
but wait
let’s review the high stake of love and hate.
If you perpetrate and I cooperate
then I motivate you to aggravate
even agitate and it leads to heated debate.
So let’s limitate and moderate
how and when if at all we degrade.
Let’s designate to evaluate
I will accommodate if you dedicate.

Let me articulate my mind state
as you congregate and associate.
Sit back, can you relate?
This is a true story of Love and hate.
At the end you can evaluate what I proclaimate,
but for now just hear me.

Now I must regulate as I conversate
on those who speculate
and associate to underestimate.
Let me educate those
who try to collaborate to obliterate.
They fabricate not illuminate
they try to inhillate not negotiate;
They violate.
And I can’t tolerate.
So I meditate
then nominate my pen to activate
and confrentate.
I create an alternate
in which to proclaimate
I try not to become irate
they must try and relate.
With one kiss you intoxicate
or inebriate.
How you alleviate and
I underestimate this mindstate.
You liberate

Let me articulate my mind state
as you congregate and associate.
Sit back.
Can you relate?
This is a true story of love and hate.
At the end you can evaluate what I proclaimate,
but for now just hear me.

I must now retaliate
when they try to cultivate to forsake
even obliterate
what we generate they should tolerate
I know we fascinate
but they should get it straight
this is no time to stipulate and speculate
so all you who playa hate
check mate

July 21,1999
Treat me like a queen because I am
She, today
First, listen to what I say
I’m strong and carefree
I am scarred to express me
I’m beautiful and inviting
I am sexual and inciting
Virginal, pure, naive
I will tell you stay-
I mean leave
Seriously joking about courage
Too old and too young to be of age
Or at center stage
Independent and lonely
I need nothing and nobody
But stay with me because you are a necessity
Intelligent and street smart
You’ll never be a good enough thief
No one can steal my heart
I’m strong and powerful
I am spiritual and soulful

Purple and Gold the colors of Kings
My beautiful African queen
She is a friend of dreams
And her robes are of Crimson and Cream
My prince he brings
Gifts of red and white and other such things
The pretty ladies of pink and green
The intelligent brothers from the 1906 scene
Brothers and sisters Fein
For the closeness the blue and white brings
But is this it- this Greek thing?
Is this all that’s left, that’s past times test, of unity for us to cling?

I want to be your sister too
I want to know you as my brother
I want to hold my head up high
I want to help you when you can’t
I want to smile at your beautiful chocolate face
I want to kiss your caramel cheeks
I want to hold your honey colored hand
I want, I want, I want, I want
Do I want too much?
We are all together in this
We all rise to the same sun
We all work under the same sky
We all rest under the same moon
We all play in the same night
And we all represent the same day
From the beams of the sun itself
To the beauty of the night sky
Even I- the red of sunset
Even I need help
Even I feel pain
Even I need your sisterhood
Even I
So why do we fight?
So how can we afford to pay the price of segregation?
So when will we realize we are all together?
So who will stand for you if you fall for everything
So where does ignorance end and apathy start
So, So, So – So?
Right There

Purple and Gold the colors of Kings
My beautiful African queen
She is a friend of dreams
And her robes are of Crimson and Cream
My prince he brings
Gifts of red and white and other such things
The pretty ladies of pink and green
The intelligent brothers from the 1906 scene
And though they may be few and far between
The sisters of yellow and blue whom are rarely seen
Don’t underestimate them for they are keen
Brothers and sisters Fein
For the closeness the blue and white brings
But is this it- this Greek thing?
Is this all that’s left, that’s past times test, of unity for us to cling?

Alpha Beta Gamma
In Auburn Alabama
Delta Upsilon Zeta
What Girl? Oh, she’s a playa hata
Iota Kappa Lambda
Oh he’s you man uh?
Mu Nu Xi
Well not last night
Omicron Pi Ro
And that’s how that story go
Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi
If we are brothers and sisters then why
Chi Psi Omega
Why even deal with playa hatas
We should love that love has love for lovely African skin
We should hope that hope has hope for hopeful black men
We should hate that hate has hate for lovely hopeful women
Together we stand with or without letters Greek of otherwise
Together we stand with or without colors we have organized
Together we stand with or without pledges we have memorized
Together we stand or individually we fall

Purple and Gold the colors of Kings
My beautiful African queen, she is a friend of dreams
And her robes are of Crimson and Cream
My prince he brings
Gifts of red and white and other such things
The pretty ladies of pink and green
The intelligent brothers from the 1906 scene
Brothers and sisters Fein
For the closeness the blue and white brings
But is this it- this Greek thing?
Is this all that’s left, that’s past times test, of unity for us to cling?

Not that coming together as a brotherhood is wrong
Nor that the bonds of sisterhood are not strong
But unity shouldn’t take this long
We are all connected
Not just those elected
It seems sometimes segregation has infected
Our minds
Our numbers are not great enough to hate
Our time is now brothas and sistas don’t wait
Grab the hand next to you and shake
Hold the hand next to you and hold it tight
See the color dark as pitch or beaming bright
This is the fist on your side of the fight
One hand waving won’t win our plight
But us together, our unity will make it right
We are all brothers and sisters in love- tonight
And forever.