The Fam
A large portion of my mother's side of the family at a family reunion this past summer. Not a bad looking bunch, if I do say so myself...
A collage we made to celebrate my parent's 25th anniversary featuring my whole family - exciting, isn't it??
My family. Again. This was also taken this summer. I can't think of any clever comments that won't result in a severe beating from my dad, so I'm just gonna let this one go...
Another reunion picture. Mostly cousins and immediate family, though my sister's boyfriend managed to sneak into this one, poor sap.
A really weird picture of my grandparents and the local grandchildren. Missy looks stoned, Pat is missing, and my grandfather looks kinda like the baby from the Gerber cans. Very scary...
My younger cousins on the Blais side, julie, Abrianna, and David.
The wee ones...yet again....