Tony's Page

This is my bear. I got him for my birthday. Technically he's not mine, or else, instead of writing on this dumb page, I'd be out riding him through Sturbridge and training him to maul people...

Welcome to my webpage. I know its not much, but at least I finally took the time to put one up.

I'm a reject from the University of Rochester, where I was majoring in Religion and minoring in History. Hopefully I'll be returning to school soon to finish up, then Lord knows what I'll do. Prolly end up living in a box on the corner. But as my Grandma always said, "At least you'll be an educated bum." Thank God for grandmas, they always know what to say to make you feel a little less like the failure that you are.

I do realize that the only people who will visit this site probably already know me, so I won't exhaust you with my theories on life, the universe, and everything. I'd bore myself in the process, anyway. You too, probably. If i haven't bored you already, that is...

This would seem much more worth-while if I thought someone new would bother to read this. As it stands now, I'm sure that only relatives and, occasionally, friends will bother to visit. They probably won't even read what I'm writing now. Maybe if I sell some porn via this site I'll get some attention...

Well, since you've probably heard enough by now (besides, if you're actually here you probably already know me and don't really need to read any of this crap, and I'm getting sick of typing), I'll get right to my pictures and stuff.

My Friends here at UR

My Family

My Artwork (Mean pictures of my friends)

Links to other sites on the Web

Red Meat - A kick ass comic strip!!
Sluggy Freelance - funny stuff!!
The Brunching Shuttlecocks - yet another site that caters to my odd sense of humor...
Everything you need to know abot ninjas. A very helpful reference.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this, feel free to let me know...

Oh - and if you want to contact me, here's all the info...
Email -
Yahoo! Messenger - polrbear28
AOL Instant Messenger - tblais28, polrbear28
ICQ - 8541418

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