These are some quotes that i have complied over the past while that i like from various books, movies, etc...enjoy!
"Shoo death, SHOO!"
-from tv show "The Kids in the Hall"
"Guzzle life like beer until you chunder."
-from tv show "The Critic"
"Bite me-it's fun!"
-Crow T. Robot (MST3K)
"On ne voit pas qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel c'est invisible pour les yeux." (for those of you that don't take french, that says "One cannot see rightly with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.")
-"The Little Prince", by Antione St. Exupery
"Only quitters quit!"
-"That 70's Show"
"Run all your races/and don't you fear/you and I/Are getting out of here/and we'll survive/that I guarantee/'cause you don't need much/when all you have is me."
-Blues Traveler "Price to Pay"
"In one of the stars I will be living. In one of them i shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing. When you look at the sky at night, you-only you- will have stars that can laugh."
-"The Little Prince" Antoine St. Exupery
"Do you like apples? Well I got her number. How do you like dem apples?"
-Matt Damon in "Good Will Hunting"
"Life is a play. It's not it's length, but its performance that counts."
"A life is like a single letter in the alphabet. It can be meaningless, or it can be a part of a great meaning."
"If a turtle has no shell, is it naked or homeless?"
"You gotta love livin', baby, cause dying's a pain in the ass!"
-Frank Sinatra
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Shallow mids discuss people. Which one are you?"
-Ann Landers
"This world's an ungly place/but you're so beautiful to me."
-Blink-182 "Going Away to College"
"I did it all for the nookie."
-Limp Bizkit "Nookie"
"The world is wide/the time is right/the tour is over/I've survived/I can't wait/'til i get pass the time/in my room alone."
-Blink-182 "Adam's Song"
"Suck me, beautiful!"
-"American Pie"
"Am I sick? I always wanted to hear Oscar the Grouch- you know how he comes out there and he's like- I always wanted him to come out and go 'motherfucker!' he has the perfect mouth for it."
-Moxy Fruvous 'Naked Puppets" (from Live Noise)
"Not Maine its got Mount Washington. Fucking Mount Washington! Mount Washington up in Maine!"
-Moxy Fruvous "Lowest Highest Point" (Live Noise) for those of you who don't understand, this is funny because Mount Washington isn't in's in New Hampshire-next to Maine
"It's moments like this that make me question the existence of God."
-from the movie " Angus"
"I don't get ulcers. I give them"
-David Sarnoff
"I thought for awhile I should be with a woman. So, I thought about the qualities I'd want in the perfect woman. Number one on that list was a penis."
-Sue Murphy
"After all, God wouldn't have given you maracas if She didn't want you to shake them!"
-Cosmo Magazine
"Careful? Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in the heart with a clotheshanger while I was still in the womb?"
-The Mole, from "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut"
"They have warped my fragile little mind!"
-Cartman, from "South Park:Bigger, Longer and Uncut"
"Save me Jee-Bus!"
-Homer Simpson
"Big egos are big shields for lots of empty space."
-Diana Black
"Here's to alcohol; the cause and solution to all life's little problems."
-Homer Simpson
"I hope, when they die, cartoon characters have to answer for their sins."
-Jack Handy (SNL 'Deep Thoughts')
"Oh yes, I love crack! Give me more crack!"
-Baby Stewie (The Family Guy)
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the braincells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
- Dr. Seuss
"I want my old friends. I want my old face. I want my old mind, fuck this time and place."
-Ani DiFranco
"Its better to be mononoid. If you're binoid, then you're paranoid, but if you're only mononoid, then you are just annoyed."
-"Big Floppy Donkey Dick" (Aaron Brown)
"I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
-Britney Spears
-"Beer is the proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
-Ben Franklin
"I want to be his pants."
-Me, referring to a really cute guy that I know :)
"They were having full frontal rabbit sex!"
-Jen Wendell, referring to a movie she was watching in French class
"A penis is like a camel--it has two humps in the back and spits at you."
-Denise White (my roomie)
"I did it my way"
-Frank Sinatra
If you have any quotes that you like, you can send them to me, and I'll post them here with mine....just Mail them to me and when i get off my lazy bum, I'll post them too!