OK...as a three year scholar of the French language, i feel as it is my humble duty to teach others what I have learned. In other words, I plan in teaching you a bunch of really weird and funny (and possibly insulting) things for you to say in french...along with "proper" pronunciations, and the meanings....you'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll go to France knowing how to make them hate us Americans even more than they already probably do!!! And now, without any further adieu, SUE'S USEFUL FRENCH PHRASES*!

Phrase #1
Tu pues comme le fromage du chevre. (Two poo-ay com luh fro-mah-ge doo shev-rah.) Meaning: You smell like goat cheese.

Phrase #2
Je te frappe, parce-que tu es une vache! (Je tuh frap, par-se-kuh two ay oon vah-shh.) Meaning: I slap you because you are a cow!

Phrase #3
Pour le petit dejeuner, j'ai mange beacoup du merde. (Pour luh peh-teet day-joon-ay j'ay mang bow-coop doo mare-d.) For breakfast I ate lots of shit.

Phrase #4
Tu es mon chevre d'amour. (two ay mon shev-rah duh-more) You are my goat of love.

Phrase #5
Les murs ont des orielles. (Lays murrs ont days or-ayz) The walls have ears.

Phrase #6
Tu es un foufon. (Two ay oon foo-fawn) You are an asshole.

*DISCLAIMER: Ok, so I've given you some stuff to say in French...if saying this ever gets you in trouble in any way,hey, it's not my fault that you actually said all that! i just put this on here for your own personal enjoyment...if you do get in trouble...sorry, but hey, you did use it!