Ok, so I have complied a list of some of the websites that I happen to love...or that my friends made...or that i am a part of...its not very long right now, but pretty soon there will be a ton more, so you can click away and spend hours on the net just wasting your precious time....I've also included a blurb about each site, so you know where you are going before you get there...
"The Realm of Niftyness"
This is a site that I discovered while surfing one day...its a humor site, it has lots of things to do to waste lots and lots of time (thats where I go when I should be doing homework or something...) its a great site, lots of fun, with lots of things to do on it...I suggest you go here if you plan on laughing, or is you want to waste lots and lots of time!!
"The Slackers Page"
This site was created by my buds, the Slackers...I actually have a little niche on this page (my bio, and a pic...if you go here, you will get a little peek into my life, with pics of some of my friends, and glimpses into the life of a slacker (which I am very proud to say that I am!)
"Virtual Desserts"
I found this site while i was bored one day...its really cool...you can create virtual desserts and mail them to your friends...just the perfect thing to give to a friend thats dieting!
"Virtual Insults"
Another somewhat random site, this site is perfect for when you get pissed at someone, and want to call them names without having to say it to their face...or if you wanna just joke around with you friends!
"Gorms Page"
I love these random sites...this one lets you change your age, and other neat stuff...go ahead, try it out!
Symbiant's Domain
This is the page that my friend Steve created...it has lots of neat stuff, including some fun sound bites from his favorite (and one of mine to) movies, Monty Python and The Holy Grail...so go ahead and see it...its better than sex!
"Lizzie's Place"
This is my friend Beth's site, who also happens to be Steve's wife! Wow! Its a really nifty site...I suggest you surf over after (or before) you go to Steve's!
"Virtual Crack"
Yes, now you too can have some great fun by sending all your friends some virtual crack! I happen to frequent this site (because my friends and I love to send eachother funny stuff), so go ahead, and send the person you love some crack!
"Wonderful World of Wendell"
This is my friend Wendell's (otherwise known as Jennifer's) site devoted to the show Mystery Science Theater 3000...It includes a message board, links and other cool things...go see it!
Just another random site...I was bored one day, so I typed bored.com in as a domain...funny how it actually is one! It has a listing of links to site that you can surf if you need something to do...so go ahead, whenever your bored, hop over there and find something to do!
"The Offical Moxy Fruvous Website"
Moxy Fruvous, for those of you unfamiliar with them, is a band out of Toronto that I was introduced to (like, not in real life, but I first heard them) over Christmas break (thanks Wendell!) They are really good, there's no real way to classify their music...they are great improvers, funny, their songs are spiffy, and they are all around cool...go to this site to learn more about them, and become a Fruhead like me!
This is a spiffy little site filled with fun psyc tests...some of them actually tests, and some that are just fun to do (try the What Breed Of Dog are you test...I'm a Pug!)
"The Spark"
Another cool site- where I get my email throught too...it also has fun tests (the Bitch Test, The Purity test, etc), funny articles and things to download, bartending tips...its great...so go check that out...
The Realm of Doofity
This is my friend Ansley's page...its a great place, lots of neat stuff (check out the eyes that follow you...its great!) Links to other fun sites, pictures, etc., go check it out!
What can I say...i hate clowns...and for those that share my sentiments, click on the above link and check out the site!
"Amused.com" This is a great site when you just want to play online...check out the virtual caffiene, and the Amuse-O-Matic, which is like Mad Libs (for those of you who don't know what that is...you fill in the blanks to make funny story things)...so go and enjoy
"Sissyfight 2000"
Sissyfight, for those of you who don't know, is thise really fun game...you are a girl on the playground, and you fight other girls, is the basic premise...to play you need shockwave, but its worth the download!
"Useless Pages" This is another great site...as the name implies, it is an index of Useless sites on the net..its nice and random...some are funny, some are strange, and most of them are pretty damn weird...some people have waaay to much time on their hands...
"Killfrog.com" or "JoeCartoon.com" Do you like sick and twsited humor? Wanna play games like "Fluff the Kitty" and "Deporation"? Wanna microwave a gerbil or blend a frog? Well, these are the sites for you! Just some sick and twisted stuff for you to play with...enjoy! (Watch superfly at joe cartoon...its great!)
****Hey, if any of these links are dead, mail me and let me know, K? That way I can update them or whatever....Thanks!**** Dead Link? Click Here!