Welcome to my biography..it's so good to know that you wanna learn more about me...that just makes me so happy *smiling*...well, I guess I should get started...why don't you sit down *gesturing to a chair*...would you like something to drink? Maybe a snack or something? No? OK...but if you do, don't hesitate to ask, K?
So, anyway, about myself...what can I tell ya? I figured I would just wing it, cheat a little, and use one of those nifty "Getting to Know You" e-mails that I get sent to me ALL THE TIME....i'm not bitter...*coughing* anyway, cut and paste is a lot easier than typing the whole damn thing out...so, here's a sample of one that I already filled out....it gives you most of the info you wanna know about me...and if there is anything more you wanna know, just mail me Click here! So anyway, here's me, in a nutshell...("help! I'm in a nutshell!"...sorry...Austin Powers Flashback...)
Name:Susan Lee Herrick
Nicknames: Sue, Suzy Q, Suzy Sparkles, Trouble, Evil....
Age: 20
Hair color: Blonde *giggling vacantly*
Birthday: July 25th, 1981, at 8:44 pm
Eye Color: Blue
Siblings? Not real ones, by my Kappa family is close enough! :)
Righty or lefty? Ambidexterous, actually...but mainly right
What's your sign? Leo *rowr!* preferences...
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Chocolate milk!
McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King
Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? Marry the perfect friend, have an affair with the perfect lover!
Sweet or sour? Sweet...just like me *smiles*
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper ? Root Beer
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Comedy, or horror
Cats or dogs? Cats...
Ocean or pool? Ocean...even if its damn cold...
Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Nacho Cheese
Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Jello....it jiggles!!! :)
Milk/Dark/White chocolate?Milk chocolate, by far :)
Shine or rain? Shine....unless its really hot, then rain is wicked awesome
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? summer and fall.
Vanilla or Chocolate?chocolate
Skiing or snow boarding?Skiing! I don't know how to snowboard
swimming naked or w/ suits? no comment... :)
Cake or cookies?both!
Cereal or toast? Cereal. (Lucky Charms! They're magically delicious!)
Rock/ska/punk/rap/r&b/alt/pop/techno/country/folk/swing? all except country *gag*
Night or day? night....its always funner at night... :)
Fly or breathe under water? Fly...
Chewing gum or hard candy? Gum
Lights on or off? Whoo hoo hoo.... the lights go out and the love talk starts.... What's your favorite...
Color? Blue, green and silver
Drink? juice or water
Animal? cats
Holiday? My birthday..Ok, so thats technically not a holiday...if you want a real holiday, I guess I would say the Fourth of July...I like fireworks!!
Sound? ocean waves...
Band? Moxy Fruvous, BNL, Blink 182, Godsmack, Limp Bizkit, Ben Folds Five...theres more, but i don't feel the need to go on...
Book? I have many, but Catcher in The Rye and the Shining are the two main ones
Movie? Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, American Beauty
TV show? Blues Clues, South Park
Place? Thers no place like home...
Flower? pink roses or lilacs
Food? Chinese or Italian If you could...
Move anywhere, where would it be? Anywhere near the ocean.
Buy any car, what would it be? BMW Z3 convertable- silver with black interior
Dye your hair one color, what would it be? I tried red, and I went to brown, but I actually think I'm gonna stick with Blonde for awhile...artifical intellegence just didn't work for me!
Streak in front of someone's house, who's would it be? So many to pick from, so little room to list... *smiles*
Meet one person, who would it be? Ben Affleck...*drool* Habits...
Do you bite your fingernails? Nope.
Toenails? Ewwwww
Twirl your hair? Yep.
Chew gum obnoxiously? Yep.
Cheat on tests/homework? Hey, hasn't everyone? I mean, uh, no! How often do you...
Shower? Every day.
Make your bed? When Frank makes it, or I get anal and clean my room.
Clean your room? when I lose track of the floor, or I need to do laundry.
Shave? When I need to
Take a bath? when I'm at home...you don't take baths at college...too sketchy
Go to the bathroom? When I have to.
Talk/walk in your sleep? I talk all the time
Give hugs? All the time.
Tell people you love them? All the time.
Brush your teeth? Every morning and every night What/Who are you...
Afraid of? Spiders, clowns, needles and Richard Simmons
Proud of? A lot of people.
In love with? Frank...geez, that one was easy!
If you stayed with me through all of that, I am very proud of you! I'm glad you wanted to know about me...if you wanna see a picture of moi, go to the pictures page, and theres a link from there....have a wondermous day!