Well, this is me!

This is me on my first day of tutoring the first graders in the fall of 1998. This is now my second year to go to the
first grade classroom with the America Reads program and work with
first graders on their reading. It is really enjoyable and I have gotten so much experience doing this. The kids are great!
I am a junior here at Ouachita Baptist
University in
Arkadelphia, AR. I am an elementary education major and I want to be either an elementary school teacher or a middle school math teacher after I graduate. I am originally from Independence,
MO, which is right outside of Kansas City, MO. I graduated in 1997 from
Truman High School.

This is me just relaxing in my dorm room here at Ouachita.
I like to play sports. I play golf, tennis, and softball. I like
watching baseball, football, and college basketball. I like being

This is me with Slugger, the mascot of the Kansas City Royals. Slugger
was signing autographs at the mall one day so my friend and I went and
had out pictures taken with him!!!
I like to hang out with my friends and I like to talk a lot.
I was a Dorm Bible Study Leader for a hall of freshman girls last year.
They were a really sweet group of girls, and we had lots of fun.

This is me in front of the Texas sign at the Visitor's Center. I had
never been to Texas before until I went home with Andria one weekend my freshman year. She was kind enough to stop at the Visitor's Center to let
me take my picture in front of the Texas sign!!!
I talk on ICQ a lot, so if you have that you need to get my ICQ number so
we can talk sometime. Hello to all my San Antonio friends that I haven't
met yet but talk to on ICQ!!!
Here are some areas of my interest that you can learn more about:

My family


Watching Kansas basketball
Links to other sites on the Web
Andria's Home Page
Great City of Independence Site
Another Great City of Indpendence Site
My Great High School--Truman High School
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