Willy Wonka is inarguably the Greatest Movie Ever Made.
   So, what could attempt to hinder this epic among films?
   Only those annoying creatures known as the Oompa Loompas.
     I prefer to watch the "edited" version of Willy Wonka.  This is nothing but the
   normal movie, only without out of those annoying Oompa Loompa songs.  And
   who are they to give advice?  They can't even fight off a few vermicious knids.
   Are these the advice givers we really want our children listening to?
     Also, they're slaves.  They sing, "You can live in happiness too, like the
   Oompa Loompa Doompity-Doo."  But how happy can they be?  They were
   taken away from their homeland to work for some weirdo in a chocolate
   factory.  And he makes them wear those ugly overalls.  If I were an Oompa
   Loompa, I would have drowned myself in the Chocolate River long ago.

   "Remember in Willy Wonka when that Oompa Loompa tried to do a
   cartwheel?  That was really funny."-- Seanbaby

