WELCOME to the Macquarie Badminton '99 Gallery!
A.K.A. The 1999 Yearbook!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the MaC BaD's Image Gallery!
This is an Unique On-Line Yearbook *Staring* OuR SPeCiaL SeLVeS *cough cough*, most having met through the Macquarie University Badminton Club and those cozy Friday Dinners at Mac Center... Hean Peng's First Impressions!

Still undecided over the "Correct" name to call our site, so i'll leave it as that.. hehe.. Well most of us have already or are going to graduate from MacUni. And some have already returned to their own countries. No matter how far apart we are, this site will always be here, our fun times Immortalised. Let's meet again in 2002/2003!

Note from the Ed. (2nd January 2001):
Hiya! Been ages since the last update huh? Well that's coz I dun have that many new photos people.. *hint hint* But I'll stick Bernie's Grad pics up soon ^_^ and a couple of misc photos which I just never got around scanning and uploading.. ^^;;; But it was great to meet up with Kevin, Bernie, Phil, Neil and Paul; Diana and her family; and Peng as usual again in Singapore, December 2000.. We really must get around to that Reunion! Unless one of you gets married fast (you know who you are!)! hehe..
Okies just suddenly thought of a new site to put up: What Now? to keep track of where we are and what we are doing now. I will try and update that as often as there are any changes.. but of coz as usual, I need your full CO-OPERATION GUYS!! Grrrr...
In the meantime, Happy New Year and Best of Luck for 2001!!! (^^)

Note from the Ed. (16th May 2000):
Sorry... I haven't been updating this site since.. err.. February =Þ and no, I haven't added anything this time either.. but decided to write something so that you know I'm still alive and I will add new stuff once I get some personal time of my own. Yes yes I'm totally bogged down by work... see how see how...
Anyways, it was great to see some of you again in Sydney (^^) and heck, I still see Hean Peng in Singapore anyway =Þ hahaha... Okies.. promise will update.. err.. soon.. And I think I'll push our reunion date a few years earlier.. maybe we shall meet in 2003 (^^). See you all then!!!

Note from the Ed. (2nd February 2000):
Hellos!! I've been running around haggard attending Job Interviews and such, which is why I didn't really have the time to do any updates. But now that I'm finally having a teeny break (just had one this afternoon) before spring cleaning my house for the upcoming Chinese New Year, I decided to add on a new section... the long-awaited THE ENTRANCE Section!!! Whoopeee!! Hope you all like it... the next updated will be "dunno when", so hope this new update will satisfy you all until then... *dun kill me!!!*
In the meantime, take care! Miss you all much... and i'll see some of you in April!

Note from the Ed. (7th January 2000):
Hi people, Sorry for the looong delay in updating... so sorry!! *deep bow* well.. for starters, yeah, you know me... i'm a lazy bum... okies, there's also the very important factor that i DO NOT have a scanner!!! besides, now that Uni is over... i'm alternating my time between looking for a job, playing computer games, watching tv, sleeping, etc... man, i'm so BUSY ^.^ *LOL*
Okies okies, that was a joke... i think... anyway i'll update a bit here and there when i have the time okay? just dun have too high expectations of me... my supply of photos is LIMITED!!! In other words, i need DONATIONS!! but dun despair, i just borrowed a fat book on DHTML from the library... i'll fiddle around with the homepage...
In the meantime... enjoy what i have updated: BDAY SECTION and QUOTES SECTION and.....

I will be back....

Another note, if you would like to leave a message for ANY OF US, maybe you can post a message on the Message Board below. Or Leave us a note on the Guestbook... Thanks for visiting us!!

Post a Message in My Message Board!

Hi! Do drop me (the Ed.) a and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! ^.^

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All scanned images are copyright of their respective persons. And a special thanx to Karen Koo's scanner.. hehe..

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