What do you get if you cross a weather forecaster, a geek, an overweight hairy wannabe climber and a twelth century pyshcopath?
Me, I hope.
Mint Sauce pages.
RAF Stuff.
Met Stuff.
Weather definitions.
Weather Links.
         Personal info and as much of a Blog as I can be bothered with.
Page still under construction.
Me, in a pub with an unusally long looking arm.
Name's Fearnley, mostly known as that as there's far to many James' in the world, but far less Fearnleys.
At the moment I'm training to become a forecaster with the
Met Office attatched to the Royal Air Force.
This page will act as an updatable record of the main points of my life and as a resource for certain things that I think may be of interest to people. Such as, until I get shut down, a few Mint Sauce cartoons by
Jo Burt, the living genius that he is, that appeared in Mountain Biking UK.
Contact me at fearnleys*at*yahoo*dot*com.