Nimrod Hoofien

Professional experience

2003 – present   Amazon.comFulfillment Promise/Optimization Team Leader, Supply-Chain   Seattle, WA (Nasdaq: AMZN), a Fortune 500 company, is the world leader in e-commerce

n     Lead two teams of seven engineers owning the fulfillment planning area. Responsible for providing ship and delivery estimates for customer orders and for generating optimal execution plans for Amazon’s worldwide supply-chain. Estimation and planning are done over a fulfillment network containing over 200 facilities and meet an SLA (Service Level Agreement) of 0.7 seconds. During the 2004 holiday season the system generated promises for over 600 customer orders per minute and assigned over 500,000 customer orders on peak day

n     Manage teams’ activities, dealing with both short-term priority management and long-term personal growth and career development. Run multiple cross-functional projects, define and track schedules and deliverables. Perform risk management and apply agile project management techniques. Drive the planning systems towards Six-Sigma quality level using sophisticated metrics, data analysis and process measurement and control

n     Initiated and currently run several Supply-Chain wide initiatives including implementing a quality improvement program, training support engineers in Computer-Science fundamentals, and introducing the Scrum project management methodology to Amazon’s Supply-Chain. Consulting to all team leaders on project management best-practices, leading to better visibility of project performance, improving project success rate and timely delivery by 40%, and enhancing developer performance by 25% in 2005

n     Lead the group’s recruiting efforts, including setting guidelines for candidate sourcing, the interviewing process and interviewer training. Lead recruiting trips to top-tier schools and high profile business locales. Create new sourcing channels and manage the relationships with several recruiting agencies

2000 – 2003      AppStreamStreaming Server Team Leader, AppStream for Windows™         Palo Alto, CA

AppStream is a privately owned start-up company providing infrastructure software and services that enable customers to deploy and manage networked applications

n     Led a team of four software developers, acting both as team leader and lead engineer, designing and implementing the Streaming Server, a major component in AppStream’s flagship product – AppStream for Windows™. The Streaming Server is able to serve up to 2000 concurrent users running up to 50 different desktop applications

n     Joined the founding team for AppStream for Windows™. Led team building activities and took part in defining the organizational structure of the group, leading to the formation of 5 teams. Established the software engineering and project management practices used by the entire development organization

n     Co-architected the core AppStream for Windows™ product. Led the construction of the product’s roadmap and the analysis of market requirements. The product was deployed to several customer beta sites and received rave reviews from operators and users

1998 – 2001      Academic College of Tel-AvivPart Time Faculty Member, Computer Science Tel Aviv, Israel

The Academic College of Tel-Aviv is an accredited public college granting under-graduate degrees in the fields of Computer Science, Psychology, Economics and Management, and Political Science

n     Taught seven undergraduate Computer-Science courses in the fields of software engineering and artificial intelligence. Held lecturer position as a part time engagement in conjunction with a full time industry position

1997 – 2000      TecnomatixSenior Software Engineer, CAD & PDM Integration                   Herzelia, Israel

Tecnomatix Technologies (Nasdaq: TCNO) provides the world's leading Manufacturing Process Management solutions for the automotive, electronics, aerospace and other manufacturing and processing industries

n     Developed infrastructure and applications for PDM (Product Data Management) integration with Tecnomatix products. Took part in architecting the integration framework used in several large-scale projects. Identified and analyzed customer requirements and managed customer relationships through project work

n     Led an on-site integration project at BMW, Germany, resulting in the renewal of the $2M annual support contract. Supervised two engineers from Tecnomatix’s European office. Managed customer relations within BMW engineering and created a communication channel with a BMW department head

n     Participated in a large-scale integration project at Ford Motors, Michigan, generating $34M in revenues. The project enabled Ford Motors to integrate their CAD (Computer Aided Design) and PDM systems with Tecnomatix products creating a seamless engineering solution for their process planners and plant designers. Collaborated with customer to transform business requirements into software-driven solutions

1995 - 1997       Mapat AmalPart Time Software Engineer, Educational Software Group       Tel Aviv, Israel

Mapat Amal is a non-profit organization chartered with the development of pedagogic technology. The technology center produces educational software, knowledge bases and educational web-sites for the K-12 community

n     Developed educational multimedia software and information-bases for K-12 organizations as a part time job throughout undergraduate studies. Worked in a diverse team with graphic artists, animators and education professionals. Took part in fund-raising, demos and presentations

n     Acted as lead developer on a $200K project, developing an information-base for elementary school students, deployed in over 50 public schools

1991 – 1995      Israeli Defense ForcesSpecial Forces Intelligence Officer, Captain                             Israel

n     Led a team of seven in complex counter-terrorism operations acting as the unit’s senior field intelligence officer. Responsible for intelligence gathering, analysis and gap specification. Took part in the planning and execution of operations


1998 – 2001      Tel-Aviv UniversityGraduate studies towards M.S. in Computer Science          Tel Aviv, Israel

n     Completed coursework required for a graduate degree in Computer Science. Research focused on artificial neural networks. Suspended research to pursue professional opportunities with AppStream in California

1995 – 1999      Academic College of Tel-AvivB.A. in Computer Science                               Tel Aviv, Israel

n     Graduated Magna Cum Laude, GPA 3.6 (92/100), top 5% of the class. Won a merit based scholarship each year for three years while working part time

Interests and activities

n     Deep interest in the history and philosophy of science, American history, and Lewis Carroll’s work

n     Amateur cooking enthusiast and culinary traveler

n     Avid squash player and a struggling down-hill skier