
Welcome to Geoff's Own Homepage!

Thanks for dropping by. This is my feeble attempt at a website, so look it over and e-mail your opinions of it to me, suggest any improvements you can think of.

Check out my Contiki Website. I created if for those who were on the trip with me and to detail my travels.

Check out my Chemistry on the WWW Website. I created if for those interested in Chemistry, it's kind of old now, but some of the links still work!.

Personal Info

Since this is my personal website, I thought it would be prudent to give some personal information about myself and the things that interest me. I recently graduated with my PhD from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Guelph studying organic chemistry under the supervision of Dr. William Tam. I am Currently a post-doctoral fellow at Princeton University, doing research in organic chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Martin Semmelhack. Fortunately, I thoroughly enjoy organic chemistry and plan to make a career out of it. It seems that my life has been steadily moving along for the last while and I'd like to tell you about it if you have the time.

It all started way back in 1974 when my twin brother and I were born at the Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada. After a glorious childhood and leisure filled adolescence (a more lengthy synopsis of my indulgent teenage years may be solicited in person, i.e. A "Lindsay" Story), I graduated from one of the two local high schools, Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Following those formidable years, I was fortunate to attend post secondary studies at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada and studied in the Department of Chemistry, I was also a proud member of The Round Table. Amazingly enough, I graduated with my honours B.Sc. in chemistry after four long years and was fortunate enough to do my honours thesis under the supervision of Dr. Alfredo "Fred" Capretta. During that time, I was lucky enough to publish my first paper in the journal Tetrahedron, Vol. 54, 1998, pg. 15499-15508 for those interested. This initial publication has now grown into nine other papers, giving a total of ten. I plan to do Post-doctoral research for about two years and then who knows. It's either that or becoming a rock star, I haven't decided yet. This currently leaves me in my present position in life and I will update this website as needed, please feel free to sign my guestbook and visit the links that I have indicated at the bottom of this page, until next time ... Smiley Face

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"May What Ever God You Believe In Have Mercy On Your Soul"

Q - Star Trek TNG

Judge "Q", (34K)

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© Tranmer Industries, 1999. Last Updated Nov. 28/2003.
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