Complete Series: |
Droids |
13 Episodes + 1 Special |
Dungeons and Dragons |
27 Episodes |
Ewoks |
26 Episodes |
ExoSquad |
52 Episodes |
Moon Dreamers |
16 Episodes |
Mysterious Cities of Gold |
39 Episodes |
Pirates of Dark Water |
21 Episodes |
Rainbow Bright |
13 Episodes |
Sonic The Hedgehog |
26 Episodes |
The Legend of Zelda |
13 Episodes |
Transformers (Original) |
98 Episodes + The Movie |
Visionaries |
13 Episodes |
All Episodes: |
blah |
blah |
blah |
- 50s - |
blah |
blah |
..:: 50s MIGHTY MOUSE ::.. |
Wolf Wolf |
blah |
blah |
- 60s - |
blah |
blah |
..:: 60s BATMAN ::.. |
A Perfidious Pieman is Simon |
blah |
blah |
..:: 60s CAPTAIN AMERICA ::.. |
The Origin of Captain America |
blah |
blah |
..:: 60s FLASH GORDON ::.. |
Part 5 |
blah |
blah |
..:: 60s HERCULES ::.. |
Hercules vs The Many Headed Hydra |
Hercules saves Helena |
The Throne of Calydon |
Dedalus Steals a Throne |
Hercules, Newton and the Evil Magician |
Four Winds |
Pandora's Box |
The Enchanted Pool |
The Powerless Hercules |
Lost Ring |
The Sea Witch |
Hercules and the Magic Arrows |
Medusas Sceptre |
The Minataur |
Search for the Golden Apples |
The Chair of Forgetfulness |
The Thunderbolt Disc |
Hercules Outwits the Magician |
Hercules Protects Helena and Newton |
Hercules Saves the King |
The Chameleon Creature
The Sun Diamond of Helios |
The Errand of Mercy |
The Bewitched Birds |
The Giant |
Wilamene |
Friend of Foe of Centaur |
Guarding of the Olympic Torch |
The Lexas Lagoon |
The Return of the Mask |
blah |
blah |
..:: 60s IRONMAN ::.. |
The Death of Tony Starks |
blah |
blah |
Target Earth |
Between Two Armies |
blah |
blah |
..:: 60s SPEED RACER ::.. |
The Great Plan (Parts 1-2) |
Junk Car Grand Prix |
Motorcycle Apaches |
blah |
blah |
..:: 60s SPIDERMAN ::.. |
The Sinister Prime Minister |
Farewell Performance |
Knight Must Fall |
Blueprint for Crime |
Ther Peril of Parafino |
blah |
blah |
..:: 60s STAR TREAK ::.. |
More Tribbles |
blah |
blah |
- A - |
blah |
blah |
..:: ASTROBOY ::.. |
Astros First Love |
blah |
blah |
Give a Little Whistle |
Tomato Invasion from Mars |
War of the Weirds |
blah |
blah |
- B- |
blah |
blah |
..:: BATTLETOADS ::.. |
Battletoads |
blah |
blah |
..:: BEETLEJUICE ::.. |
Bad Neighbour |
blah |
blah |
Double Surfing Double Cross & Makeover |
Casting Call |
Dog Ate My Homework |
Dream Diet |
Rampage |
Tortoise and the Dare |
A Splitting Image |
Biancas Dream |
Commercial Hostage |
Perfect Gift |
Scene Stealer |
Time to Remember |
blah |
blah |
..:: BIONIC SIX ::.. |
The Perceptor Files |
Bottom of the Ninth Planet |
A Matter of Gravity |
House Rules |
I Scarab (Part 1 of 2) |
The Fungus Among Us |
Masterpiece |
Holidaze |
blah |
blah |
..:: BLACKSTAR ::.. |
Crown of the Sorceress |
Kingdom of Neptul |
Lightning City of the Clouds |
Search for the Starsword |
blah |
blah |
..:: BOTSMASTER ::.. |
Adios ZZ |
Blitzys Battlebots Bridgade |
Enter the Ninjzz |
Block 93 |
Stop That Bot |
Flowers for ZZ |
Rock the Corp |
This Land is My Land |
You Can Bank On It |
blah |
blah |
..:: BRAVESTARR ::.. |
The Taking of Thistledown |
blah |
blah |
- C - |
blah |
blah |
..:: C.O.P.S. ::.. |
The Case of the Rock and Roll Robbers |
The Case of the Big Bosses Master Plan (parts 1-2) |
The Case of the Big Frame Up |
The Case of the Boy Who Cried Sea Monster |
The Case of the Lost Boss |
The Case of the Lowest Crime |
The Case of the Stashed Cash |
The Case of the Visiting Mother |
The Case of Maces Romance |
blah |
blah |
..:: CAMP CANDY ::.. |
Candy Springs |
Tv or Not Tv |
Tough as Nayles |
blah |
blah |
..:: CAPTAIN N ::.. |
Quest for the Potion of Power |
The Trojan Dragon |
With Zelda and Link |
Gameboy |
Love at First Sight |
Wishful Thinking |
Mr and Mrs Mother Brain |
blah |
blah |
..:: CARE BEARS ::.. |
Camping Trip |
The Soap Box Derby |
Care Bears Carneys |
A Day Without Tugs |
Braces |
Bright Hearts Bad Day |
Coconut Crazy |
Desert Gold |
Dr. Brightensteins Monster |
Fountain of Youth |
Girl who Cried Wolf |
Grams Bears Thanksgiving Surprise (Part 1 of 2) |
Lucky Charm |
Magic Lamp |
Mayor for a Day |
On Duty |
The Lost Gift |
Bad Luck Friday |
Battle the Freeze Machine |
Beautiful Dreamer |
Hungry Little Guy |
Its Raining its Boring |
Kind of the Mood |
Land Without Feelings (Parts 1-2) |
Lost at Sea |
Lotsa Hearts Wish |
Magic Mirror |
Magic Shop |
No Business Like Snow Business (part 1 of 2) |
Nutcracker Suite (part 1 of 2) |
One Million Carebears |
Order on the Court |
Song Fellow Stum and his Magic Train |
Space Bubbles |
The Cloud Master |
The Cloud of Uncaring (parts 1-2) |
The Cloud Worm |
The Last Laugh |
The Showdown (parts 1-2) |
The Wrath of Shreeky |
Grams Cooking Corner |
Grumpys 3 Wishes (parts 1-2) |
Hearts at Sea (parts 1-2) |
Exercise Show |
Look at Food Facts and Fables |
Birthday |
Care Bear Town Parade (Parts 1-2) |
Caring for Spring (Part 2 of 2) |
Factory of Uncaring (Parts 1-2) |
Food Frolics |
Best Way to Make a Friend |
Care-A-Lot Games |
Care Fair Scare |
Cheer Bears Chance |
Concrete Rain |
Grumpy the Clumsy |
I Robot Heart |
blah |
blah |
The Witch Down the Street |
blah |
blah |
..:: CENTURIANS ::.. |
An Alien Affair |
The Sky is on Fire |
Zone Dancer |
Found: One Lost Planet |
Battle Beneath the Sea |
You Only Love Twice |
blah |
blah |
The Carpetsnaggers |
To the Rescue (Part 2 of 2) |
Double O'Chipmunk |
blah |
blah |
..:: CHIPMUNKS ::.. |
Chipmunk Soldiers |
blah |
blah |
The Adventure Begins |
blah |
blah |
Shadow Walkers |
Turn About is Foul Play |
Greywolf of Xanthus |
Star of Shadizar |
Birth of Wrath-Amon |
Earthbound |
In Days of Old |
Thunder and Lightning |
Winfang's Eyrie |
Amra the Lion |
Labors of Conan |
Drag-Amon the Great |
Return to Tarantia |
The Cornucopia of Grondar |
The Frost Giants Daughter |
Sword, Sai and Shuirken |
The Beginning (eps 1-3) |
The Last Dagger of Manir |
blah |
blah |
..:: COUNT DUCKULA ::.. |
The Great Ducktective |
The Ghost of Caslte McDuckula |
No Sax Please We're Egyptian |
blah |
blah |
- D - |
blah |
blah |
..:: DANGER MOUSE ::.. |
Custard |
Close Encounters of the Absurd Kind |
Danger Mouse Saves the World Again |
The Aliens are Coming |
Tampering with Time Tickles |
Once Upon a Time Slip |
Nero Power |
The Chicken Run |
The Hickory Dickory Dock Dilemma |
Trouble with Ghosts |
Journey to the Earths Core |
Afternoon Off-With the Fangboner |
Alping is Snow Easy Matter |
Bandits Beans and Ballyhoo |
Cor What a Picture |
EE Tea |
Lost Found and Spellbound |
One of Our Stately Homes is Missing |
Play it Again Wufgang |
Statues |
Tut Tut its Not Pharaoh |
Aaargh Spiders |
Mechanized Mayhem |
The Good the Bad and the Motionless |
Rogue Robots |
The Dream Machine |
Who Stole the Bagpipes |
A Plague of Pyramids |
Die Laughing |
Duckula Meets Frankenstoat |
Hear Hear |
Ice Station Camel |
Lord Of The Bungle |
The Martian Misfit |
The World of Machines |
Viva Danger Mouse |
What a 3 Poin Turn-Up for the Book |
By George Its a Dragon |
Gremlin Alert |
Its All White, White Wonder |
Long Lost Crown Affair |
Project Moon |
The Next Ice Age Begins at Midnight |
The Spy Who Stayed in with a Cold |
Tip Toe Through the Penfolds |
Remote-Controlled Chaos |
The Trip to America |
The Strange Case of the Ghost Bus |
blah |
blah |
The Supermarket |
blah |
blah |
..:: DOGTANIAN ::.. |
The Invisible |
blah |
blah |
..:: DROIDS ::.. |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
..:: DUCKTALES ::.. |
Dr Jekyll and Mr McDuck |
Dont Give up the Ship |
Ali Bubba's Cave |
Allowance Day |
Armstrong |
Wrongway in Ronguay |
Send in the Clowns |
blah |
blah |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
- E - |
blah |
blah |
..:: EWOKS ::.. |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
..:: EXOSQUAD ::.. |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
- F - |
blah |
blah |
..:: FAT ALBERT ::.. |
Go to the Dr |
Playing Hookie |
The Hospital |
blah |
blah |
- G - |
blah |
blah |
..:: G-FORCE ::.. |
Episode 1 |
blah |
blah |
..:: GALAXY RANGERS ::.. |
Armada |
Edge of Darkness |
Ghost Station |
Birds of a Feather |
Stargate |
Heart of Tarkon |
Showtime |
Progress |
Westride |
Badge of Power |
Scarecrow |
Chained |
Changeling |
In Sheeps Clothing |
Lord of Sands |
Mindnet |
Murder on the Andorian Express |
New Frontier |
One Million Emotions |
Phoenix |
Psychocrypt |
Queens Lair |
Renegade Rangers |
Shaky |
Smugglers Gauntlet |
Space Moby |
Space Sorceror |
The Ax |
The Power Within |
Tortuna |
Traash |
Wildfire |
Lady of Light |
Magnificent Kiwi |
Mistwalker |
Tune Up |
Games |
Natural Balance |
Progress |
Mothmoose |
blah |
blah |
..:: GARFIELD ::.. |
Garfield in Paradise |
For Cats Only |
blah |
blah |
..:: GIJOE ::.. |
Worlds Without End (Parts 1-2) |
Jungle Trap |
Arise Serpentor Arise (Parts 1-5) |
The Revenge of Cobra (Parts 1-5) |
MASS Device (5 Parts in 1 File) |
Pyramid of Darkness (5 Parts in 1 File) |
Sink the Montana |
Red Rocket Glare |
Infested Island |
Cobrathon |
Glamour Girls |
Grey Hairs and Growing Pains |
Into Your Tent I Will Silently Creep |
Lets Play Soldiar |
My Favorite Things |
Memories of Mara |
Operation Mind Menace |
Satellite Down |
Countdown for Zartan |
Not A Ghost of a Chance |
Bazooka Saw a Sea Serpent |
Cobraquake |
The Wrong Stuff |
Twenty Questions |
Synthoid Conspiracy (Parts 1-2) |
Cobra Claws are Coming to Town |
The Funhouse |
The Greenhouse Effect |
Money to Burn |
Skeleton in the Closet |
An Eye for An Eye |
blah |
blah |
..:: GOBOTS ::.. |
Tridents Triple Threat |
Invasion (Parts 1-2) |
Timewars |
Cykills Shrinking Ray |
Invasion from the 21st Level |
Speed is of the Essence |
The Gobotrots Saga |
blah |
blah |
..:: GUMMI BEARS ::.. |
Princes Problems and Boggling the Bears |
The World According to Gusto |
Toadies Wild Ride |
Guess Whos Gumming To Dinner |
The Crimson Avenger |
The Crimson Avenger Strikes Again |
Zummi in Slumberland |
Tuxfords Turnaround |
Can I Keep Him |
A Hard Dazed Knight |
Faster Than A Speeding Tummi |
Close Encounters of the Gummi Kind |
Good Neighbour Gummi |
Night of the Gargoyle |
You Snooze you Loose |
A Gummi a Day Keeps the Doctor Away |
A Tree Grows in Dunwyn |
Duels of the Wizards |
For a Few Sovereigns More |
For Whom the Spell Holds |
Girls Knight Out |
Gummi In A Strange Land |
If I Were You |
Let Sleeping Giants Lie |
Loopy, Go Home |
Mirthy Me |
Music Hath Charms |
Never Give a Gummi an Even Break |
Over the River and Through the Trolls |
The Fence Sitter |
The Sinister Sculptor |
Tummi's Last Stand |
A Hunting We Will Go |
Theres No Place LIke Home |
What You See Is Me |
When You Wish Upon A Stone |
He Who Laughs Last |
Magnificent Seven Gummis |
Sweet Gruffi Bears Lost |
blah |
blah |
- H - |
blah |
blah |
..:: HE-MAN ::.. |
The Great Book of Mystery |
Diamond Ray of Disappearance |
A Beastly Sideshow |
The Quest for He-man |
The Defection |
Mystery of Man-e-faces |
Home of Shokoti (Parts 1 of 2) |
The Shaping Staff |
Disappearing Act |
Fistos Debut |
Skeletors Magic Stone Machine |
The Gamesman |
Keeper of the Ancient Ruins |
Dree Elles Return |
Orkos Return |
Orko-Uncle |
The Rarest Gift of All |
The Return of Granamyr |
Colossor Awakes |
The Problem With Power |
Temple of the Sun |
Happy Birthday Roboto |
The Shadow of Skeletor |
A Friend in Need |
Cosmic Comet |
Curse of the Spell Stone |
Dawn of Dragoon |
Defection |
Evil-Lyns Plot |
Prince Adam no More |
The Shadow of Skeletor |
blah |
blah |
..:: HEALTHCLIFF ::.. |
A New Kit on the Block |
Dr.Healthcliff and Mr.Spike |
Feline Good |
Hair of the Cat |
In the Beginning |
Iron Cat |
Meow Meow Island |
Something Fishy |
The Shrink |
blah |
blah |
..:: HIGHLANDER ::.. |
History Lesson |
blah |
blah |
..:: HULK '80s::.. |
Enter the She-Hulk |
The Boy who saw Tomorrow |
The Hulk Destroys Bruce Banner |
blah |
blah |
Lession in Scouting |
Rock'n Zombies |
Duke of Piperton |
blah |
blah |
- I - |
blah |
blah |
..:: INHUMINOIDS ::.. |
The Evil That Lies Within |
Cypheroid |
Cult of Darkness |
The Evil Eye |
blah |
blah |
Gadget at the Circus |
blah |
blah |
- J - |
blah |
blah |
Silver Crudsaders |
Fire and Ice |
Critical Mass |
Future of the Future |
The Sleeping Princess |
Flora, Fauna and the Monster Minds |
The Liberty Stones (Part 1) - The Liberty Stone |
The Liberty Stones (Part 1) - The Vines |
The Liberty Stones (Part 1) - The Space Fighter |
blah |
blah |
..:: JEM ::.. |
Alone Again |
Rock n Roll Express |
Roxy Rumbles |
blah |
blah |
- K - |
blah |
blah |
..:: KIDD VIDEO ::.. |
Professor Maestro |
The Stone |
Cienega |
Double Trouble |
Groove Yard City |
Master Zapper |
Music Sports |
Pink Sphinx |
Woofers and Tweeters |
Barnacolis |
To Beat the Band |
blah |
blah |
..:: KISSYFUR ::.. |
Bear Roots |
2 Eps in 1 - Cubs Club & Pooped Pops |
blah |
blah |
- L - |
blah |
blah |
- M - |
blah |
blah |
..:: MADBALLS ::.. |
Madballs |
blah |
blah |
..:: M.A.S.K. ::.. |
The Power of Venom |
The Ultimate Weapon |
Stop Motion |
The Plant Show |
The Manakara Giant |
Dinosaur Boy |
A Matter of Gravity |
Assault on Liberty |
Bad Vibrations |
Deadly Blue Slime |
Dragon Fire |
Eyes of the Skull |
Fog on Boulder Hill |
Highway of Terror |
Plunder of Glowworm Grotto |
The Creeping Desert |
The Magna Mole |
The Roteks |
The Spectre of Rajim |
The Spectre of Captain Kidd |
Cold Fever |
Solaria Park |
The Deathstone |
The Lippizaner Mystery |
The Oz Effect |
The Star Chariot |
Treasure of the Nazca Plain |
Video Venom |
Counter Clockwise Caper |
Death from the Sky |
Blackout |
Mystery of the Rings |
Secret of the Andes |
The Chinese Scorpion |
The Currency Conspiracy |
Gate of Darkness |
blah |
blah |
..:: M.A.S.K. - Racing Series ::.. |
Where Eagles Dare |
Demolition Duel to the Death |
Race Against Time |
blah |
blah |
..:: MOONDREAMERS ::.. |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
..:: MUMMIES ALIVE ::.. |
Miscast |
blah |
blah |
..:: MY PET MONSTER ::.. |
No Cuffs No Monster |
The Wolfman are Coming |
blah |
blah |
..:: MY LITTLE PONY ::.. |
Battle for Midnight Castle |
blah |
blah |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
- N - |
blah |
blah |
- O - |
blah |
blah |
- P - |
blah |
blah |
..:: PAW PAWS::.. |
Waif Goodbye to the PawPaws |
blah |
blah |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
..:: POLE POSITION ::.. |
The Bear Affair |
The Race |
The Chicken Who Knew Too Much |
The Code |
Strangers on Ice |
The Canine Vanishes |
Dial M for Magic |
The Thirty-One Cent Mystery |
blah |
blah |
..:: POPPLES ::.. |
The Popples Flood the Fluff and Fold |
blah |
blah |
..:: POUND PUPPIES ::.. |
In Pups We Trust |
blah |
blah |
- Q - |
blah |
blah |
- R - |
blah |
blah |
..:: RAMBO ::.. |
Disaster in Delgado |
blah |
blah |
..:: RAINBOW BRIGHT ::.. |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
..:: ROBOTECH ::.. |
Episode 1 |
blah |
blah |
- S - |
blah |
blah |
..:: SABER RIDER (In German) ::.. |
Blutsbrueder |
Die Star Sheriffs |
blah |
blah |
Cheese Who Stole Christmas |
Mission in Manhattan |
Pollys Magical Flute |
If you Knew Sushi like I Knew Sushi |
Stop Dragon my Cat Arount |
Gender Bender Butterflies |
blah |
blah |
2 Eps (No More Kings)-(Fireworks) |
Elbow Room |
I'm Just a Bill |
Mother Necessity |
Sufferin Till Suffrage |
The Great American Melting Pot |
The Preamble |
The Shot Heard Round the World |
Three-ring Government |
blah |
blah |
..:: SHE-RA ::.. |
Unexpected Ally |
Huntara |
For Want of a Horse |
She-ra Unchained |
Battle for Bright Moon |
blah |
blah |
..:: SILVERHAWKS ::.. |
Window in Time |
The Backroom |
The Threat of Drift |
Gangwar (Parts 1-2) |
The Origin Story |
Journey into Limbo |
Tally Hawk Returns |
The Bounty Hunter Returns |
The Fighting Hawks |
The Planet Eater |
A Piece of the Action |
Darkbird |
Magnetic Attraction |
Save the Sun |
Stop Timestopper |
The Hardware Trap (Parts 1-2) |
Undercover |
Countdown to Zero |
A Piece of the Action |
Smiley |
Amber Amplifier |
Eye of Infinity |
Melodia's Siren Song |
Music of the Spheres |
The Illusionist |
Switch |
Junkyard Dog |
Sky Shadow |
blah |
blah |
..:: SIMON ::.. |
In the Land of the Chalk Drawings |
blah |
blah |
..:: SKY COMMANDERS ::.. |
New Recruit |
Divide and Conquer |
One on One |
Terminal Temblor |
blah |
blah |
..:: SMURFS ::.. |
Pussywillow Pixies |
All the Smurfs a Stage |
Wedding Bells for Gargamel |
Smurfy Acres |
Crying Smurfs |
Calling Dr.Smurf |
Futuresmurfed |
Dr. Evil and Mr. Nice |
Smurf on the Run |
Bad Luck Smurfs |
Poltersmurf |
The Root of Evil |
The Royal Drum |
Smurf Pet |
Heavenly Smurfs |
Symbols of Wisdom |
Jokeys Shadow |
Secret of Shadow Swamp |
Dancing Bear |
Gargamels Last Will |
Incredible Shrinking Wizard |
Never Smurf Off Till Tomorrow |
Smurfing the Unicorn |
Soothsayer Smurfette |
Vanitys Closest Friend |
blah |
blah |
..:: SNORKS ::.. |
Allstars Allstar Band |
blah |
blah |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
THe X-men Adventure |
The Origin of the Spiderfriends |
The Origin of the Iceman |
blah |
blah |
..:: SPIRAL ZONE ::.. |
A Little Bone Music |
blah |
blah |
..:: STARCOM ::.. |
Flash Moskowitz Space Cadet |
Fire and Ice |
Galactic Heartbeat |
Trojan Crowbar |
Caverns of Mars |
Dark Harvest |
Hot Enough for You |
Nantucket Sleighride |
The Boys who Cried Dark |
The Long Fall |
Turnabout |
blah |
blah |
..:: STAR BLAZERS ::.. |
Episode 2 |
blah |
blah |
The World of Strawberry Shortcake |
Housewarming Surprise |
blah |
blah |
..:: SUPERBOY ::.. |
Krypto the Seeing Eye Dog |
Revolt in Robotville |
The Great Kryptonite Caper |
blah |
blah |
..:: SUPERFRIENDS ::.. |
Frozen Peril |
The Enforcer |
blah |
blah |
The Fear |
blah |
blah |
..:: SUPERTED ::.. |
Superted Goes to Texas |
blah |
blah |
Princess I Shrunk the Mario Brothers |
Marios Magic Carpet |
The Great BMX Race |
Mario Meets Koopzilla |
True Colours |
The Great Gladiator Gig |
blah |
blah |
A Little Learning |
Born to Ride |
Koopzilla |
Send in the Clown |
Mama Luigi |
blah |
blah |
- T - |
blah |
blah |
..:: TALESPIN ::.. |
Mommy for a Day |
blah |
blah |
..:: TEDDY RUXPIN ::.. |
Fathers Day |
MAVO Costume Ball |
The Journy Home |
Guests of the Grunges |
The Faded Fobs and the Medicine Wagon |
Tweeg get the Tweezles |
blah |
blah |
Turtle Tracks |
Enter the Shredder |
Enter the Fly |
blah |
blah |
Hasty But Tasty |
Science Friction |
Scratch a Tiger |
Technology Phooey |
I've Got Ants in My Plans |
The Ant From Uncle |
Rough Brunch |
blah |
blah |
..:: THE DINORIDERS ::.. |
The Dinoriders Adventure |
The Blue Skies of Earth |
blah |
blah |
..:: THE HERCULOIDS ::.. |
The Beaked People |
Mekkor |
blah |
blah |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
Somewhere in Space |
blah |
blah |
..:: THE LITTLES::.. |
Every Little Vote Counts |
blah |
blah |
..:: THE NEW ARCHIES ::.. |
Incredible Shrinking Archie |
blah |
blah |
Play Them Ragtime Boos |
Ragnarok and Roll |
Adventures in Slime and Space |
Citizen Ghost |
Night Game |
blah |
blah |
The Race |
blah |
blah |
blah |
blah |
Prophecy of Peril |
The Last Train to Doomsday |
Fortress of Fear |
Master of the Stolen Sunsword |
Island of the Body Snatchers |
blah |
blah |
..:: THUNDERBIRDS 2086 ::.. |
Computer Madness |
blah |
blah |
..:: THUNDERCATS ::.. |
The Transfer |
Excalibur |
Frogman |
Mondora and the Pirates |
Sword in a Hole |
Rock Giant |
The Mossland Monster |
All That Glitters |
Safari Joe |
The Telepathy Beam |
Trouble With Time |
Pumm-ra |
Micrits |
The Ghost Warrior |
Mumm-ra Lives (Parts 1-4) |
Lord of the Snows |
Sideswipe |
The Doomgaze |
The Terror of Hammerhead |
Trapped |
Thundercats Ho! (Parts 1-5) |
Lion-O's Annointment (Parts 1-5) |
Return to Thundera (Parts 1-5) |
blah |
blah |
..:: TRANSFORMERS ::.. |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
Four Warriors Come Out of the Sky |
The Mystery of Planet Master |
Birth of Double Convoy |
Operation Cassette |
blah |
blah |
Dinokings Suprise Attack |
Star Sabre, Hero of the Universe |
The Targeted Jumbo Jet |
Birth of the Headmasters Jrs |
blah |
blah |
Arise, Pretenders |
The Destrons Terrifying Manhunt |
Charge, Leozak |
Multiforce, Combine |
blah |
blah |
- U - |
blah |
blah |
..:: ULYSSES 31 ::.. |
Vengence of the Gods |
The Lost Planet |
Song of Danger |
Mutiny on Board |
The City of Cortex |
Secret of the Sphinx |
Lost in the Labyrinth |
Strange Meeting |
At the Heart of the Universe |
The Kingdome of Hades |
blah |
blah |
- V - |
blah |
blah |
..:: VISIONARIES ::.. |
--- COMPLETE --- |
blah |
blah |
..:: VOLTRON ::.. |
Castle of the Lions |
blah |
blah |
..:: VOLTRON LION FORCE (The Old One) ::.. |
Space Explorers Captured |
Secret of the White Lion |
Voltron vs Voltron |
blah |
blah |
- W - |
blah |
blah |
..:: WUZZLES ::.. |
Whats up Stox |
blah |
blah |
- X - |
blah |
blah |
- Y - |
blah |
blah |
- Z - |
blah |
blah |
Cartoon Intros: |
blah |
Alftales |
Alvin and the Chipmunks |
Aquaman |
Astroboy |
Battle of the Planets |
Belle and Sebastian |
Botsmaster |
Bravestarr |
Captain N |
Care Bears |
Centurions |
Chip'n'Dales Rescue Rangers |
C.O.P.S. |
Count Duckula |
Danger Mouse |
Defenders of the Earth |
Dinosaucers |
Dogtanian |
Dragonball GT |
Dungeons and Dragons |
Ewoks |
Exosquad First Season |
Exosquad Second Season |
Fat Albert |
60s Flash Gordon |
George of the Jungle |
70s Ghostbusters |
GiJoe - Arise Serpentor Arise Miniseries intro |
GiJoe - Mass Device Miniseries intro |
GiJoe - Movie North American Release intro |
GiJoe - The Pyramid of Darkness Miniseries intro |
GiJoe - The Revenge of Cobra Miniseries intro |
GiJoe - Move UK Release intro |
Go-bots |
Gummi Bears |
He-man and She-ra - SOTS intro |
He-man Season 1 |
He-man Season 2 |
Healthcliff |
Highlander |
Hulk Hogan's Rock n Wrestling |
Inhumanoids |
Inspector Gadget |
Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors |
Jem |
Josie and the Pussycats |
Kidd video |
Knights of Justice |
Lazer Tag Academy |
Littles |
Mighty Orbots |
Moon Dreamers |
Mr T. |
My Pet Monster |
Mysterious Cities of Gold |
Pacman |
Pole Position |
The Real Ghostbusters |
Robotech |
Robotix |
Rubik |
Saber Rider |
Samurai Pizza Cats |
Seijushi Bismark (Japanese Saber Rider) |
Shazam |
She-ra Movie Intro |
Silverhawks |
Skeleton Warriors |
Starblazers |
Superboy |
Superted |
Tailspin |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Thundarr |
Thundercats |
Thundercats - Movie intro |
Transformers Cars - Japanese intro |
Transformers Generation 2 |
Transformers Season 1 (Intro and Ending) |
Transformers Season 2 |
Transformers Season 3 |
Transformers Season 4 |
Visionaries |
Voltron |
Willo The Whisp |
blah |
blah |
Cartoon Commercials: |
blah |
Bionic Six - Vehicles |
Bumbers - 10 He-man intro/outros |
Bumbers - 1 Jem intro/outro |
Bravestarr - Lazer tag |
Bravestarr - Thirty - Thirty |
Construx - Power Creations |
Construx - Army Vehicles |
GiJoe - 90s figures 1 |
GiJoe - 90s figures 2 |
GiJoe - Arctivcblast and darklon |
GiJoe - Attack Vehicle |
GiJoe - Awestriker and bridgelayer |
GiJoe - Badger and paralyzer |
GiJoe - Battlebear |
GiJoe - Battlecorps |
GiJoe - Battleforce 2000 |
GiJoe - Battlegame |
GiJoe - Boardgame |
GiJoe - Cereal |
GiJoe - Claw and skyhawk |
GiJoe - Cobra commander |
GiJoe - Commercial |
GiJoe - Conquest |
GiJoe - Defiant complex |
GiJoe - Destro |
GiJoe - Devilfish |
GiJoe - Dragfang |
GiJoe - Dreadnok vehicles |
GiJoe - Figures 1 |
GiJoe - Figures 2 |
GiJoe - First toy line |
GiJoe - Gliders |
GiJoe - Havoc |
GiJoe - Headquaters |
GiJoe - Heavy Artillery |
GiJoe - Hovercraft, raptor |
GiJoe - Hydrofoil |
GiJoe - Joe vs Cobra |
GiJoe - Legend |
GiJoe - Live the Adventure |
GiJoe - Mamba |
GiJoe - Mauler |
GiJoe - Mirage |
GiJoe - Mobat |
GiJoe - Mobile command centre |
GiJoe - Night raven |
GiJoe - Outposts |
GiJoe - Planes |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 01 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 11 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 14 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 16 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 18 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 19 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 25 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 35 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 37 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 40 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 47 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 49 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 51 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 54 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 59 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 60 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 65 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 68 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 72 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 74 |
GiJoe - Preview of comic 80 |
GiJoe - Rage and dictator |
GiJoe - Rapid Fire Motorcycle |
GiJoe - Rattler |
GiJoe - Refridgerator Parry |
GiJoe - Roadtoad and boar |
GiJoe - Rollingthunder |
GiJoe - Serpentor |
GiJoe - Sgt. Slaughter |
GiJoe - Sharc and water moccasin |
GiJoe - Sky Striker |
GiJoe - Slam and Pogo |
GiJoe - Snowcat |
GiJoe - Stun and Recon Sled |
GiJoe - Swampmaster |
GiJoe - Terrordome |
GiJoe - Thunderclap |
GiJoe - Tomahawk |
GiJoe - Tomax and xamot |
GiJoe - Uss flagg 1 |
GiJoe - Uss flagg 2 |
GiJoe - Whale |
GiJoe - Wolverine and Hiss Tanks |
GiJoe - X19 and bugg |
GiJoe - Zartan |
GoBots - Figures |
GoBots - 4 Figures |
He-man - Artilleray and beam blaster |
He-man - Blaster Hawk |
He-man - Castle Greyskull |
He-man - Dragon Blaster Skeletor |
He-man - Evil Horde |
He-man - Kobra Khan |
He-man - Rio Blast and Extendar |
He-man - Slime Pit |
He-man - Spydor |
He-man - Sy-klone |
He-man - Terror Claws Skeletor and Flying Fists He-man plus Castle Grayskull |
He-man - Thunder-punch He-man |
He-man - Trapjaw |
He-man and She-ra - Figures |
Hotwheels - 3 Cars |
Karate Kid - Attack Alley |
Lazer Tag |
Lazer Tag - new design |
Legions of Power |
MASK - Figures and Vehicles |
My Little Pony - Flying Ponies |
Nintendo Commercial |
Nintendo - More Hits |
Photon - Lazer Tag Clone |
Rambo - Assault Vehicle |
Rambo - General Warhawk and Rambo |
Rambo - Savage Strike Cycle |
Rocklords - Rock Narlies |
Sectaurs - Figures |
Sectaurs - Dragonfly |
Sectaurs - The Hive |
She-ra - Evil Horde |
Star Wars - 57 Kenner Toy Commercials |
Star Wars - Rancor |
Star Wars - Slave 1 |
Super Powers - Figures |
The Animal |
The Giant |
Thundercats - Berserkers |
Thundercats - Cats Lair |
Thundercats - Figures |
Thundercats - Thunder Tank |
Transformers - Figures |
Transformers - Jump Starters (in French) |
Transformers - Dinobots |
Transformers - Metroplex and Combaticons |
Transformers - Omega Supreme |
Transformers - Optimus and Megatron |
Transformers - Perceptor |
Skylinx |
Voltron - Figures |
WWF - Figures |
blah |
blah |
Cartoon MOVIES: |
blah |
Thundercats - The Exodus |
He-man and She-ra - The Secret of The Sword |
Go-Bots - Battle of the Rocklords |
Go-Bots - Battle for Gobotron |
GiJoe - The Movie |
Lazer Tag Academy |
Transformers - The Movie |
Care Bears - Movie 1 |
Ducktales the Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp |
Rainbow Bright and the Star Stealer |
blah |
blah |
Cartoon Specials: |
blah |
Star Wars Christmas Special |
Garfields Halloween Special |
Garfields Christmas Special |
He-man and She-ra - Christmas Special |
Chipmunks Valentine Special |
The Smurfs Christmas Special |
Tis the Season to be Smurfy |
Merry Christmas Super Dave |
Droids - The Great Heep |
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving |
Its the Easterbeagle Charlie Brown |
Frosty the Snowman |
Pound Puppies - Happly Howlidays |
blah |
blah |
Cartoon Extras: |
blah |
The Touch Music Video (Transformers Movie) |
Rainbow Bright - Read to Me - The Risky Rescue |
Rainbow Bright - Read to Me - The Sprite Emergency |
blah |