My Online Journal of My Journey!
On April 11th, 2005 I underwent a life changing experience.  This website I will dedicate to my trials and tribulations of a gastric bypass patient.
My Stats on April 11th,  2005
Age:  25
Height: 6ft.
Weight: 396.4
BMI:  54.4
(Almost too big to do surgery)
Surgical Information:
Surgeon:  Dr. Coirin,  M.D.
Location:  Modesto,  Ca.
Hospital: Memorial Medical Center
Me on FDR's Presidential Yacht 3/19/05
My Ebay Businesses
Reason's for Surgery:

I have PCOS and want Children.
         Date        Weight       BMI

3/19/2005         400lbs.    54.2
          4/6/2005           396lbs.    53.7
          4/11/2005         392lbs.    53.2
          4/18/2005         377lbs.    51.1
          4/25/2005         368lbs.    49.9
          5/3/2005           355lbs.    48.1
          5/10/2005         350lbs.    47.5
          5/24/2005         342lbs.    46.4
          5/30/2005         340lbs.    46.1
          6/7/2005           330lbs     44.8
          6/14/2005         325lbs.    44.1
          6/20/2005         320lbs.    43.4
          7/6/2005           311lbs.    42.2
          01/15/2007       170lbs.     22.4
To have a second chance at life!
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