11/11/03 | Worked
with the NIU Veterans Club on a Support The Troops rally. Rally was held at veterans
park at the corner of Lincoln and 1st St. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
12/19/04 | Collected toys and dropped them off at Sycamore Armory. By combining efforts with food services, we raised almost $400 worth of toys for tots. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
1/15/04 | Updated
NIU's web site to resemble the site I did for Nationals. Added a photo album to
NIU's site as well. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
1/20/04 | Finished
posting flyers at all the dorms, including UP. Dropped flyers off at the ROTC
building. Contacted Northern Star about them running an article on the Veterans
Fraternity returning to campus and our first call outs next week. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
1/21/04 | Harold
Pelton sent me a list of people who had contacted him recently concerning starting a
chapter. Contacted these people and let them know of DOS. Received a couple
replies from people asking for more information. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
1/22/04 | Contacted
by Northern Star to do an interview for the article that is scheduled to run on 1/28/04. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
1/22/04 | Noticed
that the web site is finally ranking towards the top when performing a google search for
"veterans fraternity". ----------------------------------------------------------- |
1/28/04 | Northern
Star ran a story concerning the Veterans fraternity Returning to Campus and our first call
outs tonight and tomorrow. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
2/04/04 | Delta
Omicron Sigma Inducts six pledges into Alpha Class. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
2/11/04 | Alpha
Class has first pledge meeting. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
3/13/04 | Finished
adding everyone (I think) to the active and alumni pages. Waiting for people to
submit information about themselves. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
3/18/04 | Added
people I missed the first time. Added personal descriptions for Mike Mast. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
3/26/04 | Added
pictures for the brothers I have them for. Added a nickname ----------------------------------------------------------- |
3/30/04 | Added
links to news articles featuring our brothers. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
4/24/04 | Cross
Cross-overs were a great success. Congratulations D-Lo, Dilbert, and Stiffler.
Great to see everyone make it out. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
4/27/04 | Posted
pictures from cross-overs. Added pictures for some of the alumni that I didn't
already have pictures for. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
5/15/04 | Posted
pictures from Friday prior to Graduation. Posted the constitution. Most of the
grammar errors now corrected. ----------------------------------------------------------- |
5/26/04 | Student
Association has after a almost a year changed us on their web site to Delta Omicron Sigma. ----------------------------------------------------------- |