National Office

NIU, Home of Alpha Chapter, MLK commons

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     The Veterans Fraternity was built on the foundation of those organizations that have come to pass. Delta Omicron Sigma, National Veterans Fraternity was formed in the Fall of 2003 to bring together those persons having shared the bonds of military service and who have gone on to further their education; the veteran scholar. Consider this an open invitation to all Honorably discharged veterans, reservists, National Guard, Coast Guard, and ROTC Cadets who understand the meaning of Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Commitment to join the Veterans Fraternity.


Mission Statement

     It is the full intent of this distinguished gathering of Veterans to bring together all those who have in their past given back to this great country through military service. These objectives shall always include but never be limited to scholarship, community service, and any other such social bonding experiences as do arise.

Email us at: for more information

Delta Omicron Sigma is a coed National Veterans fraternity.  As veterans no one understands better than us what it means to rely on your buddies.  This fraternity has seen its own share of trials both external and from withing.  Enough of us believed in the Veterans fraternity that it had to continue.  Certainly this is not the first fraternity created with the intention of bringing together the veteran population within collegee campuses.  We ourselves have been affiliated with two other national offices and while they have faded from site we are still here.  We have learned from their successes as well as failures and have come out the stronger for it.  It is this reason that I and the rest of my brothers and sisiters with Delta Omicron Sigma feel confident that the Veterans Fraternity will continue and that we want you as a member.  I would like to thank you for taking the time to check us out.  If you have any other questions please feel free to hit the email us button below and I will be happy to answer all of your questions.

Frederick S. Anderson
President and Founder
Delta Omicron Sigma
Veterans Fraternity

"If you can read this, thank a teacher....
Since you are reading it in English, thank a soldier."

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