UM Chemistry 96/99 Logo

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UM Chemistry 96/99 Homepage

This site is special for those graduated in year 1999 & 2000 (new system) from Chemistry Department, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

UM Chemistry 96/99 Homepage was officially launched on 15 June 1999. This site is created and maintained by those who want to remember the life of campus, the joy of study and friendship among the fellows that make them still keep in contact.

As days and moons pass by, our friendship grew stronger and stronger and our memory of the moments we shared were accumulated and still accumulating. maybe some of the least important things might start fading away or perhaps faded, but we believe that there must be at least something to cheer for during our days together. So this page is built not only to help us walk down memory lane but also to have an intact relationship through to the next millenium.

Together we gone through thin and thick of campus life, and together we will thrive for our future.

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