Freedom of Speech Main Menu
CO 340 Freedom of Speech: Law & Ethics of Media
Here you will find career opportunities and professional organizations.
Arent Fox legal jobs
Information on legal positions with this company in Washington DC.
New York Law employment classifieds
Law Journal Extra employment classifieds dealing with media law.
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free legal help to reporters and news organizations.
This site is designed to provide information to journalists and media lawyers at any time, and to let you know of the services and support we offer.
Journalism Jobs
This link is a digest of journalism jobs and internships that have been posted on the Internet. J-JOBS is a free service to the journalism community by the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California at Berkeley.
Organizations that deal with 1st Amendment issues
Scott Madigan's Free American Speech - First Amendment Organizations
American Communication Association ONLINE
The American Communication Association (ACA) is a not-for-profit organization, created to enhance and promote the academic and professional study, research, knowledge, criticism, teaching, exchange, and application of the basic principles of human
communication. Geographically, our professional community is comprised of researchers, teachers, business persons, and general practitioners located throughout the Caribbean, and North, Central, and South America.
New Hampshire -- First Amendment Center
a group of diverse feminists working to preserve the individual's right and responsibility to read, listen, view and produce materials of her choice, without the intervention of the state "for her own good."
People For the American Way
The Boston Coalition for Freedom of Expression
Digital Freedom Network
National Campaign for Freedom of Expression Home Page
Preserving free expression in music
The Blue Ribbon Campaign for Online Free Speech
First Amendment Project