On this page you will find the class syllabus along with the required text.
Class Syllabus
CO340 Freedom of Speech: Law & Ethics of the Media Spring 1999In this class we will examine the idea of free speech as it has developed in the United States. Much of the class will be devoted to mass media law, including topics such as libel, invasion of privacy and obscenity. In addition to studying media law we will examine and discuss ethical issues that involve the media. The objective is to develop an understanding of the First Amendment and the role it plays in American society.
Assignments:Reading assignments will be given in class. We will work our way through the text starting with Chapter 1 and progressing in numerical order. Several subjects may require two weeks of discussion and analysis, others may be covered in one or two class sessions. Come to class, participate in the discussions and keep up with the reading. If you miss a class check with the instructor or another member of the class about assignments.If you have any questions about any material in the text or discussed in class, be sure to ask the instructor for help -- do so during class or during office hours but don't let your questions go unanswered.
Don't fall behind in your work for this class - it is hard to catch up. Attend class regularly, take good notes, and use your text well.
You will be asked to write one research paper for Freedom of Speech. The assignment is to research in detail a court case that involves First Amendment issues. The class will visit the library early in the semester to identify resources in the library that will help you with this assignment.
Each chapter in the text includes many references to interesting and important court cases. The text will be a useful guide, but you are not limited to cases mentioned in the text.
Research papers must be written in the MLA. I expect citations in the paper and a list of works cited at the end. If you are not familiar with the MLA style please see the instructor early in the semester. These papers must be well written. If the writing is unacceptable I will return the paper to you and will not grade it until the writing is satisfactory. Research paper length: 7-10 pages or longer. The papers must be type written or word processed, double-spaced, with type size no larger than 12 point.
How I will grade you this semester: A - Excellent attendance, excellent exams and an excellent paper that is done on time. B - Excellent attendance, good exams and a good paper done on time. C - Fair attendance, adequate exams and an adequate paper done on time. F - Poor exams, poor attendance, poor paper submitted late.