Hi! My name is Erika. I was born in Detroit Michigan and I am nineteen years old. I am African American young lady, who has green eyes and caramel skin. I am a freshman and cheerleader at Eastern Michigan University. My cheerleading squad consists of seven guys and twelve girls. I also work for a company called UCA, which stand for Universal Cheerleading Association. This summer, I was an instructor at many camps around the Midwest.

Let’s talk about my background some more. When I was in elementary school I went to Calvary Christian Academy in Ypsilannti Michigan for six years. For high school I went to Plymouth Salem in canton Michigan. This high school had five thousand students in it. And that was the count my freshman year. We had three different buildings we had to walk to back and forth to. The other school we shared with was Plymouth Canton. Their school mascot was the chiefs and ours was the rocks. In high school we had a coed cheerleading squad which has seven guys and twelve girls. Every year we had a cheerleading competition in Orlando Florida and we received twelfth places. I am sure some of you guys have seen the cheer competition on ESPN.

My first year on cheerleading at Plymouth Salem high school, I was on the junior varsity squad and we got first in the region and twelfth in the nation in the junior varsity division. My high school is well known for it’s academics and sports program. Our basketball team was first in their conferences and volleyball team also. Our band and color guard were third in the nation. I was also the first and only black homecoming queen of my school and my brother was also the first black male to.

There are my different things that I am interested in, for instance, I love to write poems about life experiences, challenge and how good god is to me.

When I was in sixth grade, I started writing poem. I can still remember my first poem.


Tree’s Tree’s Tree’s

First they start off as little seeds. Then they grow up just like you and me.
That poem was published in my junior high school’s book of poems. I was so proud of that inspired me to start writing poem. I enjoy spending time with young children. I want to help them with anything that they need and make their lives better. I am all about trying to help people in their lives.

Did anyone go to spring break? Well I did and had a blast. My friends and I went to Cancun Mexico. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had. This place is beautiful the water is so blue. It’s unbelievable! Being from Michigan is like you never get weather like that so my friends and I were happy to be there. Isn’t it strange that if you meet a lot of people from Michigan Cancun? My friends and I met a lot of people from New York and New Jersey. So, it was cool to see how they did things out there and the way they talked. They thought that people from Michigan had country accent. They said "sneaker" instead of "gym shoes" and said "soda" instead of "pop". It was interesting because there was a difference. One of my favorite places in Cancun was a dance club called Laboom. It was really fun because I met a lot of people from different cultures. By the way, I have a weird story to tell. I had took some picture of some of my friends at school, but there was a guy in the picture I had no idea who he ways. This year I went to school at Eastern Michigan and I was walking down the hall and saw that strange guy in Cancun in the picture it was just wired.

I am a strong Christian young lady who is strong in her believes. The reason why I am so strong in my relationship with god is because my father is a pastor in Ypsilanti Michigan and because I chose to be. The name of his church is called Christian Life Center Church.

My link to my second web based project