Hey Everybody! How's it going? I'm a big cheater because right now I use Yahoo Pagebuilder.   Sorry to all the Internet purists out there, but it's really all I have time for.  Anyone who has a better page, feel free to e-mail me with tips on how to make my layout better. 
OK, for those not in the know, I'm 23 years old and a graduate of Rider University. I majored in English and minored in communications. I currently work at a newspaper, the Ocean County Observer (and their weekly edition, the Times-Beacon). That's in Toms River, NJ, where MTV is every five minutes taping "Made" and "True Life" when not in Seaside Heights or Brick, the next towns over, taping some sort of Spring Break where slutty people make out with each other. Nice. The above picture is over a year old. I don't really look like that anymore... I'm wearing a gray shirt today, for example. I live In a "swanky" (read:crappy) apartment two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean with my best friend Scott. I'm close to my job, he's close to his pseudo GF, everyone is happy. One day I hope to be a world famous author of a novella or a book of short stories. I used to have a radio show on campus that no one listened to, and I also had a talk show briefly on campus.  I was also a contributing writer and technical director for Rider's TV news show, News @ Rider.
It seems the pictures of me in my album are from, uh, 1998. Click here now anyway, dammit, if you dare!!! I'll put I'm more soon, but I swear, I'm a lot better looking than these pics (where, as you will see, I look like ass.) The above pic is much better.
This page started April 17, 2000...7 years to the day after my bar mitzvah. All useless crap found on this page TM and © Jeff Crass (Hey, that's me!).
This page last edited Mar. 15, '04@ 9:04a
This page has been viewed
times since April 17 2000
Here is an album of pictures of me and my best friends. Click here now by gum!
Here are some of my thoughts on some things going on in the world today.  Click here if you can handle someone being open-minded.
So here is the latest low-down: I'm bored. I think I'm going to begin working on my short stories again, it's been a while. It is very hard to want to write when you read for a living. So I've been looking for an inspiration. I think recently I've found one, butwe'll have to wait.

Anyway, "Eternal Sunshine" looks like a freakin' awsome movie!  That will probably be the next one I see. I have barely gone to the movies in the last year, what with the move and working 40 million hours per week and all that jazz.

In the meantime, my goal is to give this site a huge overhaul soon. I'm bored with how it looks and such. Give me ideas. I command you!!!

Also, my current book recommendations are Chuck Palahniuk and Nick Hornby. Cool shiz-nit. One is very relationship centric, the other is a pretty f'd up dude. Not necessarily in that order.  Also, David Sedaris is pretty good too. Read his essay about his brother the Rooster, you'll see what I mean.

Everyone is raving right now about Joss Stone and her cover "Fell in Love With a Boy," and I think it's pretty cool, but I still like the White Stripes' "Girl" version too.  Also their album "Elephant" is cool, because Meg White sings. Oddly enough, she kinda sounds like...Joss Stone.
-- Jeff, March 5 '04
As a footnote, my friend Theresa was very upset that I didn't mention her specifically on this page. So Theresa H., this one's for you: "Hi."
-- Jeff, March 6 '04
I must give out yet another shout-out yo, to my very good compadre Alex. One day she will have a Web page of her own, and her name in the previous sentence will glow blue, so you can click on it, word yo. She rocks 'cause she like Chuck Palahniuk too.
-- Jeff, March 7 '04
"Space shows are for children and stupid people"
--Space Ghost, to William Shatner. That's irony, get it?
I got a haircut the other day. I think it's too short. I'll post a picture soon, but I think its OK - short but OK.
Plus, I'm now reading "The Comedy Writer" by Peter Farrelly. Yup, the director. Great so far. In my CD player, three albums by the band Cake. Very awsome.

-- Jeff, March 15 '04