Welcome to my Web Page
About me.
My personal Web
My work done at UT del Norte de Guanajuato. In Dolores Hidalgo, Gto.
research in CALL.
staff albun from TUN.
Tutoring for Learning English as a Foreign
learn English
My work as a Photograper.
Albun 1
Albun 2
Algun 3
Photo Album 4
Our visit at UTQueretaro.
General view of my work done during
my stay at Technological University of Nezahualcoyotl 1996-1999
My Hobbies.
Here are some of my Hobbies. Check Up
Important Links.
UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico.
IPN National Politenic Institute
SEP Secretary of Public Education in Mexico.
INEGI National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics.
National Directory of Technological Universities of Mexico. .
UAM Metropolitan Autonomous University.
Scholarships by the Mexican Goverment.
National Association of Universities and Hight Education Institutions. ANUIES
USA Embassy in Mexico
Benjamin Franklin Library Services for Teaching English.
The British Council in Mexico city.
MEXTESOL Mexican Association of Teachers of English, A.C.
Mexican Goverment Web Site
Mexico's Flag
State of Mexico A place where I live.
My neighborhood called Nezahualcoyotl
Important Technology Links.
Internet2? Ever heard about it?. Find out about Internet2 in here ����
UNAM Internet2 CUDI Internet2
EDUSAT Mexico EDUSAT is a Satellite Network for Educative Television. EDUSAT is part of important tool from mexican system education focused for helping national wide teachers' work, in order to increase the quality of teaching..
What about Gulf Net ����Gulf Net is an electronic tool to disseminate information and to make contacts among individuals and organizations, both Mexican and American, of the eleven states involved in the Gulf of Mexico Governors� Accord.
CONACYT The National Commite of Science and Technology of Mexico.
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Since 1997. Last Updated September 1, 2002
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