
The User's Webster

An online dictionary created in PHP/MySQL. Users can search for over 30,000 words, phases and variations.


A collaborated effort between Serle Soverall (Web Site Designer) and I. OmegaITM is a corporation that offers special services to the lonely I.T. consultants and contractors. This site is decicated to promoting these services. Forms were created using Perl.


A collaborated effort between Serle Soverall (Web Site Designer) and I. Forms were created using Perl.

Omega's Resume Database

Resume Portal
Not a public site

This is an intranet site for Omega Systems Group. It was designed for the purpose of entering candidates resumes and matching those candidates with suitable positions. Created using Oracle 8i, PL/SQL, Java, HTML and javascript.


A commerical site for advertising the product, New-Vu (a software product used by financial institutes to convert mainframe data into ASP pages)

Nortel Networks - EODB
Not a public site

Created by Omega Systems Group. Its purpose is to track receipts and shipments. It consisted of numerous reports and data entry pages. It was created using Oracle 8i, PL/SQL, Java, HTML and javascript.