Gina d. Camacho - 11/12/99 06:24:10
Location.: Novaliches Q.C. ( Philippines )
| Comments:
Hello Jake,
Your homepage is so nice and beautiful. Grabe, ingit ako... And don sa sweet Family ang cute... Hope di ka magbago till the end of tomorrow... Your so talented person ako wala ata akong talent, hehehe! And so sweet... di sour kundi as in sweet na swee
... till here and thank you for letting me sign you homepage and accept me as one of your thousand and million friendssssssssssss... Bye bye...
Sheila M. Palarca - 11/12/99 06:14:07
Location.: Quezon City ( Philippines )
| Comments:
Hello Friend!
Actually, I have no comments of your homepage all I can say that " It's nice " saludo ako sayo. Hope someday meron din akong homepage.Hehehehe! At saka sana we see each other in person not only in the picture but in personal. Hope hindi kayo magbago n
kuya Jett mo ganon pa rin kayo tulad nang una nating meet dito sa Internet.okey! Thank you thank you talaga ... Don't ever ever dare to forget me/us ni jsweet. Wala na akong masabi ang galing mo, tsong!
Chelle - 11/10/99 23:17:55
| Comments:
Interesting site Jake. Didn't know you had so many siblings.
chels - 11/07/99 05:30:00
Location.: cebu city
| Comments:
thanks for letting me view ur fantastic homepage...hope we'll be good friends..bye!!!!!
- 11/05/99 07:34:21
| Comments:
^mArAh^ - 10/30/99 06:06:05
ICQ no.: 23665249
Location.: CaLiFoRNiA, U.S.A.
| Comments:
WOW!!! I am really impressed! Grabeh gleng ha ... sooper impressive!!! Gano`n mo pala ma-miss ang PhiL. ahh! Mmm ... ako rin no`n eh ... pero ngayon hindi na mashado hehehehe Cge, til here. Goodluck in everything that you do! :Þ
ley - 10/23/99 12:14:40
ICQ no.: 4407731
Location.: philippines
| Comments:
hmm... NO COMMENT...
sige na nga maganda na nga HP mo!
LUV U :)
honey - 10/22/99 10:53:55
My Email:URmyQT
ICQ no.: 37643307
Location.: melbourne
| Comments:
hi Pinsan Jake,
the most pogi of all! musta na pare?hmm..well done for the HP ..ikaw ang first out of us pinsans...
well i guess i have to say its all good ..and pretty and good musico...
hmmm well all i can say is that good luck sa results mo sa VCE!
99.9.. diba ang aim mo?
and we both will be psychologists!!
sige na! this is super too long!
aight ingats ka diha! insan!!
Luv u...hOnEyLoVe
Jay d' Captain - 10/20/99 13:05:25
ICQ no.: 49716244
Location.: las piñas city, philippines
| Comments:
tol, musta na...=-), ayos tong homepage mo ah may sounds pa...turuan mo naman ako paano mo ito ginawa???...k!!! Anong balita ba pre???...tol, pag-uuwi mo yung pasalubong ko na lang k???..=).tol, pag-uuwi mo naman dalhan mo ako ng chicks rito ah!!!...
ehehhehe...loko mo dehins na puwede eh!!!. by the way, bili mo naman ako ng ankle support tol na yung one strap lang at yung dehins masyadong mataas na ankle support...k!!!....sige tol, pagbutihan mo pa yung mga ginagawa mo k!!!
christine - 10/20/99 05:31:00
Location.: DOLE
| Comments:
twas..........well????.........since its still under construction ......hope u could done it i could get a better picture of far so good........seize the day!!!!!!!......"tough times never last but tough people do!
!! sure youre one of god-fearing!!!!!ciao!!!!!!thanks.
Jetlebert - 10/20/99 05:00:44
My URL:coming soon
ICQ no.: coming soon
Location.: Melbourne Australia
| Comments:
keep up a good work, and chatting to a good boy always like me...hahahaha
di ba??? cya
you who - 10/19/99 14:16:10
ICQ no.: ?????????
Location.: ?????????
| Comments:
hello kuya jake...:)
ummmmmm nice h/p hehehe
okkk byeeee
bye from your caz!
jeng - 10/19/99 12:27:34
ICQ no.: 23132268
Location.: pinas
| Comments:
ey jake speechless.......
o ayan, nagsign na ko.
just kidding. ok na sana tong hp mo. kaya lang humirit ka pa ng Aga eh, pampasira.
dagdagan mo pa pictures, dapat meron pic ko, nde singit lang. hehehehe
sana meron din mp3 downloadables para ok na ok
Vanessa - 10/18/99 12:11:18
Location.: Melbourne
| Comments:
Hey Kuya Jake !! Well done on ur homepage .. (i'm gonna wait for u to make me 1 2 o !! ) BTW, where's my pic here ??? jk lang .. ok .. see u @ Che's house .. and I AM going to take u clubbing with me very soon , ok .. so no excuses this time ! INGATS ==>
Ea - 10/18/99 11:19:28
ICQ no.: 31234236
Location.: Philippines
| Comments:
NiCe OnE, fRiEnD! 4 sTaRtErS, cOoL sIyA! pAg NaSaGoT kO 'yUnG rIdDlE mO, gIfT kO hA! =:0) tAkE cArE nA lAnG aT kAiNiN kA sAnA nG kAnGaRoOs... JoKe!
lotte - 10/18/99 08:54:17
ICQ no.: 32654979
| Comments:
tingnan mo nga naman pascan scan na lang, pachat chat na lang...tsk tsk tsk...
- 10/18/99 06:18:10
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