>> dpark's weblog <<


Name: Donald Park
DOB: Nov. 30th
Systems Engineer
Lockheed Martin
Moorestown, NJ


Links of the Month:
Ivana Ma
Paper Wars

...and the list grows
Park's Amusement
The Hahn Spot
Won Ho
Dwight Yoo
The Mayor
Tim Shen

Other Links:
Dear Abby

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

My weblog has now moved to Xanga. I used to hate Xanga, because it required you to log in, to post comments. Then Xanga allowed Flooble to add comment sections to their site, which meant you didn't have to log in anymore to leave comments...but since I was already with Geocities, I didn't want to make the move, I didn't want to be a sell-out and so I meticulously updated my geocities weblog. But due to constantly having hovered at 98% of my geocities quota, and the fact that Flooble now works on Xanga, and the fact that there are a TON of Xanganites out there, I've decided to finally make the move.

This will probably be my last post on Geocities, which has served me faithfully for a few years now. Please continue to check my weblog on Xanga. The address is easy. www.xanga.com/dpark76

Over and out.

Monday, December 13, 2004

OMG...Club Blu was so fun. I was afraid that it would turn out to be kind of lame, but boy was I impressed. Club Blu was THE BEST club I have been to in the US. I can't believe there aren't more clubs like it around. The first thing I noticed was the slightly more intelligent or yuppie the crowd was. Even though there were some folks who dressed like punks, you still felt SAFE. Even the black guys there dressed like Carlton Banks on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Anyway there were some folks that definitely looked like they stepped off a plane from Europe. I even got a picture with DJ Sammy. This was defintely the highlight of my night.

Some of the other notable things of the club was it's lighting system. Although they had the traditional mirrored ball. I'm not sure it got used once though, in favor of all the high-tech club lights, strobes, lasers, and fog machines, snow machine, siren, and high pressure air system.

What's funny was when we first walked into the club it felt like a freezer, but as we danced through the night, it was just right.

You can kind of see some of the snow flakes in the lights. It was sooooo fun. I think I have to go there again.

Thursday, December 9, 2004

Wednesday night I went to church to attend a Congregational Team meeting. After that we went straight into the weekly prayer meeting at church. I think that was the last one too.

Today after work I went to Next BYOB in South Street. I ordered the pork chops which wasn't as great as I thought it would be, but overall the experience was pretty good.

Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Pearl Harbor - December 7, 1941

I took a stroll down memory lane, remembering my time on the USS Pinckney (DDG-91).

I enjoyed the time I spent on the ship, except for that second time. I wonder if I'll ever be on a Destroyer again. Here's more info and pictures.

This morning I woke up around 8:30 and didn't get into work until 11:30am. What did I do for 3 hours in the morning? I've been working on trying to put together a VCD for the women's flag football event. It's actually a lot of fun and I'm learning a lot about producing films. I was also checking out Onnuri's International Ministry website. When I go to Korea, I want to help work with these guys...that's if they want to take me in. I'm sure they have a pretty smooth operation going on there.

Missed last month's AMEX payment. $15 in finance charges!!! I don't know where the heck the bill went. Man, that would have been a decent dinner too!!! Looks like I'll have to starve one meal as punishment. I'm going to check the apartment thoroughly. I don't think I got the bill to begin with.

Monday, December 6, 2004

Saturday night I went out to T.G.I. Friday's in Center City. Ted & Jiyoung, Tae & Clara, Sujin & Heejin, Sun, Ed, and In all came out. Although we had to wait a long time to be seated, we all had a great time. I miss the days when we used to get together and just have a great time. Now everyone kind of does their own thing. Getting everyone together was difficult. I don't know if I'll be able to gather everyone again like that, but it was good while it lasted.

At church on Sunday the LCD projector was still not working. This was the second sunday we had to use the archaic overhead projector. Sunday service actually had a "retro" feel. ha ha ha.

After church a few of us went to Cereality. I must say I was pretty impressed. There was a line outside the door!!! I ran to Super Fresh and picked up some hotdogs, BBQ sauce, and toothpicks. Sliced and boiled the hotdogs in this huge cauldron. Took the hotdogs and mixed it in with BBQ sauce and then stuck them with toothpicks and served them as hors d'oeuvres while we had our congregational meeting. It worked out quite well. SEE YUJIN. I TOLD YOU SO. ha ha ha. j/k

After church I went to Juwon's to watch the Eagles vs. Greenbay game. Eagles blew the competition away. It was pathetic. Then came home and watched the Steelers vs. Jags game. OMG, that had to be the closest game of the season, coming down to the final 4 seconds and just a few feet shy of Jag's winning the game. STEELERS ARE NOW 11-1. One game away from clenching the AFC North. I'm so excited...but man that game was a TRUE nail-biter.

Just tried some of Pepsi's new Holiday Spice softdrink. Not bad. Taste like Pepsi, with an ever so subtle aftertaste of cinnamon and ginger. Not bad at all. Great marketing ploy though.

Finally finished the Women's Flagfootball video. Check it out at our church website. 20MB d/l though. I still need to figure out how to compress it more. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks.

Saturday, December 4, 2004

Small group was at Juwon's place. We didn't actually have a bible study but had a really great time of fellowship. Over dinner, we talked about Xanga pages...and now most of my small group is on Xanga. It's actually pretty cool. It's funny because we found out some folks are like closet Xanganites. Afraid to let others know their Xanga identities. I spent some time today modifying my Xanga page to look like my geocities page.

Check out this game...Paper Wars. I wish I could say I was talented enough to make something like this but, it was made especially for me :) You can have one made too while it's still free.

Friday, December 3, 2004

This lady was reported missing from the super market that I go to. I hope she's okay. God, please let it be okay.
Missing NJ Woman

Thursday, December 2, 2004

Shao-fei...thanks for the info. Anyone want to go?

Ivana! WHY!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! WHY did you have to do that?

I can't say I agree with Trump for firing Ivana, but then again I can't say I disagree with Trump either. For the record, I really like Ivana. I think she's one of the stronger contestants on the show and I think she's got lots of street smarts and more intelligent than some of the other players. I think she's like the Sam of season one of the Apprentice. In one word...CONTROVERSIAL.
Apex - $1.74 per candy bar
Mosaic - $3.53 per candy bar

Ivana Ma's Bio
Website: Ivana Ma
Age During Show: 28 (dang...she's my age!!!)
Occupation: Venture Capitalist
Lives: Boston, MA
B.S. from the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia with a concentration in Finance
Ivana enjoys running and cycling, and recently raised $5,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by completing a 100-mile ride around Lake Tahoe. She lives in Boston with her fiancé, Brian, who attends Harvard Business School.

Last night I was at this kitchen store, looking for BIG but cheap cappuccino cups. While I was there I was thinking it'd be nice to slice cheese with something other than a knife, so when the salesperson asked me if she could help me, I asked, "Do you have something that I can use to cut cheese?" And then I smiled and giggled a little after I had just realized what I had just asked. :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

I can't wait to check this place out. I wonder what their store hours are like though. Cereality

I'm now 28 years old. After work I had dinner at P.F. Chang's with a bunch of folks. It was Ed, Dave, Soojung, Yujin, Lynnette, and myself. Thanks for dinner guys. Then after dinner, we met up with Sujin and Heejin at my place and chilled out there for a little bit. Everyone went home except for Sujin and Heejin, who had driven straight from Ohio, and still wanted to do something, so we decided to go to AC! So we drove there and I played craps for a little while. Sujin was even able to roll the dice even though she didn't bet anything. I didn't know you could do that but everyone at the table was okay with that, and the dealers didn't say anything against it...so she played craps too and won everyone at the table some money. I did okay and ended up with an extra $32. Not terribly exciting but at least I wasn't in the red. Walked over to Roulette hoping to increase my $32 profit. Lost $10, then another $10, and determined to get it all back, bet $25, and lost that too!!! So I walked away from that $13 in the hole. If that wasn't bad enough I had to pay $5 parking fee and toll on the way to and from AC. So I end up paying about $25 for my night out at AC. But for the amount of fun I had, it was totally worth it.

A Penny For Your Thoughts

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2004 Archives:

2003 Archives:
June (N/A)

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