Welcome to Ali Seymen Alkara's Homepage!
I am currently a graduate student at Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering. This is my fourth semester and I am taking these courses:

ISyE 6223 Human Decision Making
ISyE 6307 Scheduling Theory
ISyE 6656 Queueing Theory

I also hold a Graduate Research Assistantship, and work with Prof. McGinnis.
Click here to get a simple but useful Turkish-English, English-Turkish dictionary software!
Mehter March Interpretation by Pentagram... Listen!
This file package transforms the Dutch to Portuguese in Colonization. Get it!
This is my favourite music band nowadays! They're from Florida, like many Death Metal groups. What strikes me about them is their awesome vocal, performed by John Tardy. Listen!
Actually Brujeria's pretty good, too. So is Slayer.
Visit Klingon Language Institute to start learning the Warrior Tongue!
Visit this site, update your SWOS and embellish it with a new look!
Here are some of my personal drawings...Original...
You may want to visit my friend BarIsOzel(Kapti)'s homepage as well...
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