Attachment parenting, is parenting to your childs cues. It's not about hard and fast rules, following the latest book, theres no attachment parenting handbook. There are books on what attachment parenting means to that one person, there are wonderful books that help to guide parents towards a loving and gentle type of parenting, but at the end of the day attachment parenting is about following your heart, your instincts and your babys cues. Many parents are unaware that theres even a name for the way they parent, and are frustrated that they are frowned upon for not following the mainstream, and going against the grain. The internet opens up communication, lets us see that there are like minded parents out there. When my first daughter was born i was confused by the advice of others and my conflicting instincts. I wanted to hold, pick up,wear my baby and yet people would say, leave her, you'll spoil her, she'll manipulate you, you're making a rod for your back. I was supposed to let her 'cry it out' to teach her good sleep routines, i felt like a bad mother because i couldn't be cruel to be kind. 2nd time round, i don't care what people have to say about my parenting, not as much as i care about nurturing my children anyway. I do what i feel is right, baby sleeps with us, and sometimes our toddler does too. If she cries we respond, it's not like we trip over ourselves as soon as she fusses, but we go to her, comfort her and then she learns to trust us, to know that we are there to respond to our needs. Carly will wean from the breast when she's ready, i'm sure i will get ' isn't that baby weaned yet', but extended breastfeeding is about allowing children to develop their own independance, and it promotes a wonderful bond between mother and child. When she's ready for food after 6 months we'll follow her cues and introduce it. I enjoy wearing her in a sling, we have a lovely pram/stroller but i much prefer to have her close to me, easy access to feed her, and hands free to hold Kayleighs hand, carry bags,wash name it. Yes there are times when i lose my patience, get tired or worn down but thats parenthood whatever way you do it. I have a wonderfully supportive father for my children, and two beautiful,contented daughters that makes it all worth while.