Hello everyone, my name, if you don't know by now is Kayleigh Anne Margaret Ellen Miller. I was born on 29/07/99, in Glasgow royal maternity hospital Rottenrow, and weighed in at a healthy 7.5lbs. I have blonde curly hair,( i get my curls from my mum) and blue eyes, the same pale blue colour as my dad. Mummy has blue eyes too but hers are darker. I love dressing up with lots of shiny baubles, beads and sparkly clothes. I am always trying to get into mummys make up, and love making necklaces from beads and string. What i really love though is mummys really messy and bright stuff that i can get all over my face and the furniture whenever she leaves it lying about. I was a quick walker taking my first steps at the end of my eighth month, (i love showing off) and i've found it hard to stay still ever since, i love running around, dancing, and climbing. Mummys used to it, but she still gets a little bit nervous sometimes when i perform one of my daring toddler feats. Especially throwing myself off the furniture, and somehow managing to always land on my feet. I don't really like the kind of food that most kids like, my favourite foods are veggys like carrots, boiled eggs, grapes and bananas My favourite words at the moment are bra, boobies, belly, baby, and bubbles. I can speak in sentences now that i'm a big 2, and so it's much easier to tell mummy and daddy what i want. I love having a bath with my mummy or daddy, it's more fun when you have someone to splash, i love to pretend that we're having cups of tea with my toy cups in the bath. I'm now a big sister, which i think i'm brilliant at as i can teach my sister all the cool things that i've learnt so far, like how to wrap all my relatives around my finger. My favourite places are the park and whale of a time, an indoor adventure playground with ball pools and chutes and fun stuff like that where i go with my big cousin Megan who's 7. Megan is my eldest cousin, i also have Lauren who's 3 Nathan who's brand new and another niece or nephew on the way (thanks to auntie tracey and uncle Paul. I have 3 aunts, Tracey my godmother, Auntie Debbie(daddys sisters)and auntie Lauraine, I also have 3 uncles, Uncle Paul( who has a big scary voice), Uncle Leon( my godfather) and uncle Darren who are mummys brothers.I am very lucky to have 3 great grannys, and two great grandas, and all 4 grandparents. Lots of people to make a big fuss of me. Although i have my tempermental moments, most of the time i'm a mischievous little angel, and mummy and daddy are always giggling at my antics and big cheeky smile.
I'm a breastfed kid
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