My journal! february 13 2001 Well i've seen all the online journals and thought i'd give it a go! Today is My brother Darrens birthday and we're running dangerously low on With childminding fees and birthdays and stuff, it's been sore on our finances. Everything always works out though but Gary is a worrier, wheras i am the eternal optimist. I am so disapointed in the recent news of a fake amongst our midst, I just hope that this will be the last although i doubt it. On the bright side though i have and am still making a good few friends on the web. I also have my own club now at yahoo, so send me an e.mail if you want to join, you have to be a young mom or a young mom friendly person. The basic topic will be our kids i think, so if kids bore ya...bad idea to join. I also have photos of me and my girl there. I decided to take the day of University today so i could get Darren a pressie and spend time with Kayleigh, so i'm having a good day. Well i know this journal has to improve but practise makes perfect....oh, guess what we decided to do for valentines day! Finances are stretched (originally i was getting him a star) so we are gonna write down a list of things that we promise to do for each other for a just know it's going to get smutty lol. hugs and kisses to all love Marie Anne! february 16 2001 Well yesterday was Garys sisters 18th birthday, so i'm suffering from a huge hangover, my mum took a rare oppurtunity to babysit, and Kayleigh had a ball at her house. Gaz has a day off so he's out visiting with Kayleigh. Darrens birthday gift from me ended up a good one even though we hadn't a lot of money! Just as i was starting to lose hope of getting him a good pressie, i decided to go to a shop which sells discount clothes, a lot of it designer and good makes. Anyway i spotted a beautiful orange nike jacket all beautifully fleece lined and everything. The downside though was that it was 40 pounds, it had already been reduced from 80 so i thought oh well! Then i noticed a price tag on one that said 12.00 pounds, it was a size bigger than Darrens size, exactly what he'll need for secondary school. I was convinced there must be something wrong with it but no , the woman told me, she had no idea why it was in clearance, so off i went to see darren with an 80 pound jacket for his birthday that i'd just paid 12 for. So that put me in a good mood. Valentines day was lovely, Gary made me a fabulous meal. We had a big heart shaped candle and we drank wine from our engagement glasses. Who needs money when you have love. Kayleighs childminder said that Kay is a great baby and that she wishes that all the kids she cares for were like her. Just goes to show how wrong people are about young parents, i was 17 when i concieved Kay and she is one of the most happy , contented and bright little babys most people know. Everyone comments on how happy and contented she is, so give me a moment to put one finger up at all the people who think young mums are bad mums. lol February 19th 2001( well it's past midnight in scotland anyway) Oh well , not much happening over the weekend. To be honest i was being very very lazy . Well i just thought i'd update my site an itsy bit! Took down some big ol' fakers banners lol, and put up some new ones, but unfortunately the banner from one of my fave sites refuses to go up. ( sorry Jenni) i'll get it up as soon as i can. I am also having problems getting some awards up, so if you gave me an award or banner to put up and it's not there don't worry . I love them all but geocities loves to jerk me around . February 20th Well I made my lovey gary a banner for his site but he'd better get his butt in gear and get something done to it. Waiting patiently for my student loan, god you'd need to be starving before they send it out! Uni and childminding are a real strain on our resources but luckily Gary always manages to get us by but it's getting to the point where i'm going to have to get on the phone and start hassling them. Stupid money always gets in the way of everything, still i have a beautiful wee baby and a good man behind me so i've a lot to be thankful for. I went to a great new site on belly kicks today...check it out! february 21st uh oh Gary is mad at me! Ok well, i skived off uni today but, i couldn't help it. Kayleigh was so clingy this morning, i just couldn't bear to leave her. Gaz phoned though and i can tell he's not pleased, i know why he gets mad as Uni is such a strain on our resources that he doesn't like to see me miss any at all, and i was supposed to hand in forms for childminding help, oh well looks like i'm in the bad books...still, he can never stay mad at me for long , hee hee! On the bright side i enjoyed my day with Kay, she's such a funny little thing now, and can say so many cute words now...she's my lil clever cookie. february 22nd wahey...the student loans company finally got it's finger out and gave me my i'm in a good mood, finally we can pay our bills and stop worrying , we honestly didn't know what we were going to do this month, phew. On this new brighter note i'm finding uni much easier now that i can finally stop worrying about funding, i am so proud of gary for keeping our heads above water for so long. I call him a control freak, but really he's just a worrier and takes all the financial burden on. My him sooo much! K_kay is so cute, i say to her what does your daddy do, and she makes blows raspberrys ha ha clever girl.