Well it's been ages since i've written, i haven't had a lot of time! Kay is sick right now with a cold, tummy bug and eye infection. Poor thing! She has been so good, i rushed her to casualty as her temperature was really high and she started vomiting and had diarroah , the doctor said she wasn't to get food for 24 hrs just water and the poor baby was starving, my heart went out to her, she was even groaning in her sleep...on a brighter note though she seems to be a little better. Gaz wasn't in a great mood yesterday, he's been needing new clothes for ages and we finally went out and bought him some gorgeous calvin klein jeans, and a beautiful shirt. Guess what his stupid fiancee did? Threw them out with the rubbish. ( they were in a bag) whoops march 13th Well kays all better now, and back to her bubbly self. Thank god! I had to go out and replace Garys clothes on friday after throwing them out, and afterwards we went to a quiet wee pub in town...several, beers southern comforts , long vodkas , aftershocks and a tequila shot later...( cant believe no hangover lol) we decided to go and see " what women want" , expecting it to be great, but i was so disapointed! It wasn't anything special at all! Still, we had a great night and as i wasn't too drunk , i didn't make a fool of myself. Gaz is pleased with his new puter desk and is desperate to move the puter on to it but i won't come offline so he's in a huff...hee hee. march 15th Aww my other baby is unwell now! Do you think it's my cooking or something! hee hee hee! Gaz came home early from work and has had to lie down, on the couch..god can that boy snore. Well today was going pretty well until i heard something that makes my blood boil. Apparently whoever was hounding one of my online friends, saying she was a fake, is now saying that myself and others are in chatrooms bad mouthing her constantly! Newsflash freak...we're mothers, when would we have the time to be in chatrooms bad mouthing people. When i come online it's to meet up with my friends not speak ill of them. Oh well it seems someone has too much time on their hands which is nothing less than sad. I have a paint shop package for a thirty day trial so i'm busy making some decent awards so if you'd like one then e..mail me with your URL and i'll check it out ASAP, and if you have an old award and want a new better looking one tell me! Well my lovelies, i'm signing out. God bless ya! April 11th. Ok so it's been ages since i've kept up with my journal, but i have excuses..oh yes. First of all my lil angelcake came down with chicken pox, and then geocities was messing me around. Thanks to all of you who've been leaving messages on my guestbook as i love to read them. I have to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to two new mommies on the web. Danielle and Brandi just welcomed their new boys ja'sahn and christopher into the world. You can find their sites at Alissas great top ten list , belly kicks. My favourites are Deandras site and Emilys place, although all the girls here have great sites. Lately i've been writing a lot at written by me soth if you love writing or reading articles, poetry or stories check it out, my user name is mazzamom if you want to read my stuff. Anyway back to whats been happening, mothers day was great, kay got me a big thumper teddy and forreror roche' mmmm. Gaz bought me the godfather trilogy boxset which i love...yum Al pacino. I didn't want them to buy me lots of gifts but it really is nice just to know i'm appreciated. Kay is so cute right now, if you ask her what goes in the potty she will say pee_pee. lol. She managed a pee in her potty and i was clapping and cheering, half an hour later she was clapping and cheering, so i turned round just in time to see her peeing all over the floor..i was lmao at her the wee cutie pie. I had been feeling a little insecure aand really took it out on Gaz, luckily he is very understanding and has gone out of his way to make me feel great again. Well need to go. I have lots more to tell you all so i'll finish the rest tomorrow , hugs and love, from Maz. April 17th Ok so i lied about finishing it the next day lol. Well it's day two of my holiday and my butt is much larger from munching extensive quantities of Easter eggs. I am so chuffed as i am going to be my little brothers sponsor for his confirmation, my big brother would have been first choice being the oldest, but as he doesn't seem to give a s**t about Darry or anyone else anymore. I'll be doing it. He hasn't picked a name yet, gaz always laughs at mine as mine is Cecilia...but i chose her for her love of music amongst other things, not for her name.