Extended breastfeeding..what on earth. When most people picture breastfeeding, they picture a little baby. But what happens when the baby grows into a toddler, extended breastfeeding in western society is usually considered as breastfeeding past 1 yr old, biologically extended breastfeeding would be past about 2 1/2. So your toddler isn't ready to wean, and you feel under pressure to initiate weaning yourself, are there any benefits to waiting until your child is ready. YES, child led weaning is extremely natural and beneficial to a child. Breastfeeding a toddler continues to offer health benefits immunities, vitamins, protection from illness and allergies. It provides nutrition in times of sickness when any other food would not be stomached by the toddler. Contrary to common belief, nursing a toddler is not inhibiting their independance but promoting,and nurturing it by providing the security of the mothers breast. extended nursing forms a strong attachment, emotionally with our children. A babys immune system is still immature until after 6 yrs old. So contrary to the belief that breastmilk has no benefit after 6 months..try 6 yrs at least :D. That is not to say that we should all be running around nursing six year olds, it depends on your personal comfort level,and personally this is past mine (i want my breasts back for just a little bit before i do it all over again). But it shows the benefits nursing past babyhood can have. Toddlers are often picky eaters, i lost count of the times i wondered what kayleigh survived on. In these cases your toddler can benefit from the nutritious breastmilk. A child's IQ increases with every month they nurse over 8 months of age. Extended breastfeeding as you can see, has much more going for it than mere comfort. The physiological, biological, chemical and psychological evidence that nursing to at least 3 years old is essential for a child's well-being is undeniable. Research further and you will find a strong case for nursing until 5 years old. Your body will adapt to allow for the need to keep producing milk, it knows how to accomodate for the natural weaning of a child. Even if society doesn't. If you are nursing a toddler and pregnant, don't worry..your body knows what to do and will channel maximum nutrition to the foetus, and still allow for your toddler. There is no evidence to support claims that uterine contractions caused by breastfeeding causes miscarriage or preterm labour. Similair contractions occur during sex, and we are advised that sex right up til birth is safe and in fact encouraged. Problems such as lowered milk supply, and sensitive nipples may cause you or your toddler to initiate weaning. But you can continue if you both please, even when milk changes to colostrum in preparation for the baby. Nursing a toddler and a baby, called tandem nursing, is perfectly safe. Newborn takes precedent, and your body will provide vital colostrum, and after this time milk to accomodate your new borns needs will be supplied. Your toddler is merely getting a bonus. Happy nursing.. visit kidz are people too in the links above for an excellent resource. Just wanted to add to this. My youngest daughter Carly is now 3. It seems a world away from when she was breastfeeding yet she breastfed until she was almost 2 years old. I found allowing her to self wean, to be so beneficial in terms of trust and bonding. She's the healthiest happiest kid i've ever seen and having had the experiance of extended breastfeeding (despite a few ignorant folk butting their noses in) I would say it was an experiance i can't wait to repeat.