Internet Resources
Introductory Statistics
Online Texts for Introductory Statistics
Online Dictionaries and Glossaries in Statistics
Welcome to Internet Resources for Introductory Statistics. Here, you'll find what I hope will be a useful collection of annotated links to resources in Statistics for students who are beginning to study this subject.
As you are all aware, there are plenty of stuff out there in the Internet and sorting out what is useful from what is not can be a time consuming affair. With IRIS, you can quickly locate some of the more useful material. Careful selection rather than exhaustive coverage will be the main criterion used to determine what to include in this site (which, incidentally, is still under construction - site navigation is currently one of the problematic areas but I hope to remedy it in the not too distant future).
The links provided here generally contain something of value. I'll provide some pointers in the form of comments to help you determine what to look out for. Some promising links are given without comments for one reason or another (often it is because I've not properly reviewed the site).
Finally, I hope you'll join me to express our thanks to YAHOO!GeoCities for hosting IRIS. Also, to those who have made resources freely available on the Internet ... Thank you.
S L C Saw
Online Texts for Introductory Statistics
HyperStat Online by D M Lane
Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models and Applications by D W Stockburger
Online Dictionaries and Glossaries in Statistics
Statistics Glossary by V J Easton and J H McColl
Internet Glossary of Statistical Terms by H S Hoffman