Thank you for taking the time to read this to establish exactly what happened with this seller. Unfortunately as already described, the watch arrived, and I was unable to get it working. I have been interested in watches for many years and have some experience with how to wind them. A polite email was sent to the seller asking him for some help with how to get the watch working because I am not arrogant enough to believe I know everything about watches. The reply I received can only be described as rude. Quotation marks appeared around the word ‘fault’, and the overall tone of the email could best be described as ‘how dare you say one of my precious watches is faulty’. To be fair, a refund was offered but this was conditional on a positive feedback being left. A refund was not something I was looking for, a polite email and some further advice would have been more appropriate. Dealing with him was not in my opinion a positive experience and so neutral feedback was left. As all previous feedback for him had been positive, he then became entirely childish and left me negative feedback despite my rapid payment. I am certain this seller is an excellent seller 99% of the time but in this case I did not feel I had a good service and left neutral feedback accordingly. I hope this does not dissuade further sellers from selling to me. Thank you again.
Claire Cuckoo
2nd October 2003