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The Power Page |
Welcome everyone to another exciting edition of the greatest column in the history of the WTF, The Power Page! The always informative, straight forward, no BS column written by your's truely, Power House Stauss. It's been awhile since my last column because not much has been going on lately in the WTF, but all that changed on the fatefull day of September 2nd. It was a day that will go down in history and will be remembered forever. It was the the date of WTF Final Destination! So in this September 2001 issue, I'll be going over this month's outstanding PPV and shed some light on the current direction of the WTF as we look ahead to the year 2002. So if your ready, let's get RAW! WTF Final Destination 21 months.......21 long months of waiting and anticipating for what was without a doubt the greatest match in the history of the WTF. Dan The Man -vs- Power House Stauss: the match 21 months in the making! It was everything it was hyped up to be and so much more. Not even words can describe the amount of emotion, effort, and determination put forth by both men; truely a classic! WTF Final Destination was kicked off by the rematch everyone was waiting for, Hurricane Hau -vs- Hien The Dragon. The match picked up right where they left off back at last years PPV, Resurrection. But near the early stages of the match, for whatever reason, Fleming decided to jump in and become the guest referee. This really took away heat from the match, because it became really sloppy and was all downhill from there. Typical Fleming, always trying to steal the spotlight. Hurricane Hau and Fleming worked together and double teamed Hien The Dragon, but could never really put him away. It wasn't until Orion ran in at the end of the match and used Fleming's hand to count the three count for Hien. At one point while all four Asians were standing in the ring together, I had a bad feeling that the Asians might somehow reunight and reform the Asian Sensation......That would be bad! But it looks like their curtain call will have to wait another day. The second match of the night featured a very interesting triple threat match for the hardcore title involving current champion Fantastic Fodge, Fleming, and Dan The Man. A week before this event, Power House Stauss had a brief mee-ting with Commissioner Boone and told him to book Dan in a hardcore match to soften him up before his main event world title match with Stauss. But as the match started off, it appeared that Dan The Man and Fleming were actually putting their hatred aside and rekindling their old tag team, 2 Dudes with Attitudes, from their days in the TWF. This didn't compute! What originally looked like a squash match, quickly turned into a highly entertaining matchup as Dan and Fleming did something that no one has ever done in the history of the WTF......Put Fodge through a table! Was this things to come for Stauss later on that evening? But despite the efforts of Fleming and Dan The Man, Fodge was able to hit the Fantastic Slam on both men, and cover them for the win. There was a lot of talk going into our third match, because Orion and Fleming had never met one on one before. Rumors quickly began to rise that Fleming was actually affraid to wrestle Orion. Was this the same Fleming that was a former WTF world champion, and also the leader of the notorious Asian Sensation? In the end though, Fleming did show up for his ass kicking......I mean, match with Orion so that says a lot. Going into this match, Orion had one thing on his mind.....Well, besides alcohol.......He wanted to hurt Fleming and have him driven out of the arena in an ambulance. So Orion had a phone hung over the arena so he could climb up a ladder and call 911. Despite the beating Fleming received, you have to give him credit because he never gave up and fought back with everything he had; a true testimate to the amount of punishment a man like Fleming can take. The commentators were actually cheering for Fleming, but in the end, Orion was able to hit his finisher the Azian Slam and pin Fleming to become the #1 contender for the world title. When the main event finally came around there was a hush over the entire WTF arena......mainly because there weren't any fans in the audience. But when you have two wrestlers the likes of Dan The Man and Power House Stauss, you find thats it's not about money, politics, or fame. It's about their love for the sport and the respect they have in one another that drives them to be the best that they can be! Neither man was gonna hold anything back tonight and that fact was proven by all the insane things they put their bodies through during the match. From Dan falling off the deck through a table, to Stauss being tombstoned off the trampoline through a table. This match can't even be described, it must be seen to be believed! Overall, I thought this was another tremendous pay per view put on by the WTF, and I would rate it 9 out of 10 stars. Fleming says he's done wrestling for the year 2001 I could sit here and say that I was surprised at Fleming's decission to hang up his boots for the 2001 season, but I'm not. If Fleming doesn't want to participate in one last WTF event, who am I to hold it against him. I'm just regretfull of the fact that Fleming lost his love for the sport a long time ago. He let politics get in the way of business, and took criticism to literally. But I can't say too many bad things about Fleming because he has been a great addition to our roster these past 2 years. Even though I've beaten him more times than he's beaten me......in the end it's not about who wins or loses, it's about friendship, and that's what matters the most! WTF Control up in the air We're not sure if we are gonna have one last WTF event because of a combination of events that have happened recently. With the tragic events in New York, our good friend Boxcar Bryan who is stationed in California, most likely will not be able to return home to Oregon until things are smoothed over. I hope Bryan the best during these trying times, and if he does have to go to war, I want to wish him a safe return home! We all miss you buddy! I'll keep you all updated as more news comes in. Stauss address the WTF troops Well boyz, what can I say? Let me start off by saying that these past 2 years in the WTF have been some of the best times in my life. I truely love the sport of pro wrestling, and many even say I love it too much. Some refer to me as a mark, but I prefer to call myself a smart. If the days of the WTF are over, then let me say "thank you!" I've enjoyed all the ups and dows, the good times and the bad. If I had the oppertunity to go back, I wouldn't change a thing. Well....maybe we shouldn't have screwed Fleming out of his world title. But other than that, all the events we've done and the great memories we've shared will be forever etched in the annils of time. This is Power House Stauss......signing off for now......... |