Vince McDahon
Superfly Stefan
Dan The Man
Hurricane Hau
Power House Stauss
Hien The Dragon
Boxcar Bryan
Woodrow Wood
Huge Fuge
Fantastic Fodge
Mr. Fine
Dan recaptures the title
2001 Slammy Awards
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Current News & Updates:
9/4/01 - 21 months......21 long months of waiting for what was without a doubt, the greatest match in the history of the WTF, Dan The Man -vs- Power House Stauss. It was everything it was hyped up to be and so much more. Not even words can describe the amount of emotion, and effort put forth by both men. It must be seen to be believed! Click on the Final Destination link for all the results, and be sure to check back often for the brand new Power Page coming soon!

3/7/01 - Millenium Massacre took place Sunday, March 5th at the sold out Boone Arena. What an event this was as 8 men wagged war on each other in hopes of capturing the vacant WTF world title. Click on the link above for all the results and check out this months edition of The Power Page!

- New Year's Evil took place Monday, January 15th and was another great PPV from the WTF. We saw two unique tag team matches, a grudge match, and the shocking New Year's Rumble for the WTF world title. 9 men entered and only 1 survived. In the end it was the owner of the WTF Vince McDahon who won the rumble and became the new world champion. Click on the link for all the results, and be sure to check out the newest edition of The Power Page.

- The Official WTF Message Board is here! Check it out, and post anything you like!

Check back soon for more News & Updates!
October 2001