= best likeness)
- Ants Convention,
with a friend of the photographer

- Taken at a T.Rex convention,
my new favourite photo of me...

- ...although this runs a close second.

- Taken at the same T.Rex convention,
- A slightly less flattering photo
- A more recent T.Rex photo of me in my lovely gold print jacket

- Sat-down profile of me in said jacket plus shiny polyester trousers
- A rather comical shot of me trying to throw a pose, from the same set.
- A nice portrait shot of me, taken about a week later

- The other side of my face

- A good pick of the jacket
- Sitting pretty
- "And what would you like to do to me?" The glamourpuss boy Davide kneels down for your pleasure
- Sadly we didn't have a sofa available for this shot
- An earlier attempt at that kneeling down pose
- Cheekbones to die for!

- Trying for that perfect guitar hero pose...
- ...and managing it!

- "I'm so brainy I glow in the flashbulb!"
- "'Ave you got a light, boy?"
- Sit down next to me and we'll have a kiss and a cuddle...
- Earlier T.Rex convention,
playing the drums
- Same Earlier T.Rex convention,
playing guitar
- Newport T.Rex convention 2000 - a nice portrait shot

- Same Newport T.Rex convention - a breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL closed-eye portrait!

- Liverpool T.Rex Convention 2003 - with Val from Sunderland

- Birmingham Bop 2003 - taken by Val's husband Al
- London Bop 2000 - I finally make it onto TV! (cheers, BBC Choice!)

- Lone Rider in early 2001 - any Bolan fans recognise that jacket?
- Christmas party 2002- living out my Bryan Ferry fantasies!

- At local fetish night Twisted, summer 2003, in my early Adam Ant outfit
- Ant Lib 2000 - Kabuki in kilt kneels down for your pleasure
- Ant Lib 2000 - white face, whites of eyes

- Ant Lib 2000 with Boz Boorer #1
- Ant Lib 2000 with Boz Boorer #2
- Ant Lib 2000 - misty portrait, luminous face, sharp eyes
Friends & Family:
Adam & the Ants:
Marc Bolan:
Marc with a blonde streak, circa 1976
Marc with some of his many guitars
Nice B&W shot of Marc on the set of the Marc show