There was a three hour debate as to which pictures would appear on our website.  The Council of Supreme Conspiracy deemed the following pictures "safe" enough for viewing by America's public.  All of these pictures feature us, the lads, and a few chicas that we met in on different  road or plane trips.  Enjoy the show.

This picture was taken in Negril, Jamaica during Spring Break '98 at a bar called Legend's.  From left, the picture features Susan, Joe, Amy, Jenni Leigh, Hen, Matty, Sugaree, Chloe, El-Alaman, and e.  As you can tell much Red Stripe was consumed prior to the taking of the picture.  This was the night of the Sugaree's infamous quotes to young ladies who were randomly doing whatever with whoever on the beach.  Quotes like, "You are such a slut, does your Mom know what you are doing right now?"  Or "Get off that guy and get out of the surf, I will be swimming in that ocean tomorrow!"

This picture was taken outside of Philly at Uncle Bill and Auntie Kim's house. (Matrix's relatives, but friends to all.)  Pictured is Uncle Bill, Matt, Amy, Ellie, Jenni, Anne, Uncle Bob, Luis, Bryan (First Mate), Micah, Joe, e, and Hankles.  Too many funny things happened this weekend, most of which would land Joe a spot on Car and Driver's Best 10 car experiences of all time.  Hey, we all do crazy things sometimes.....just not in a field in the middle of a sub-division.

The setting:  The night before a formal at the end of January in Lebanon....home of Jonny Ritz.  Taken about ten minutes after arrival, this photo captures the weekend drink as much Honey Brown as the Ritz Family purchased.  Not a problem for this bunch.  Joe, Jon, Matt, and Micah with looks of shear joy as the HBI takes place!

This is our boy Larry from Negril, Jamaica smoking some sort of illegal substance.  He was a great guy.  Told us tales of his jail experiences.  Even offered to kill someone for us.  We gladly accepted because the guy stole our Red Stripe.  Just kidding!  Larry went as far as to trade a broken watch for four Red Stripes.  This man obviously didn't know how much the watch was worth.  At least six!

Talk about cheese.  This picture was taken on Halloween.  We dressed up like toy soldiers for the night to see if girls really did like men in uniform.  We found it not to be true!  We beat up some navy guys to get these uniforms!  The picture consists of e, Chloe, Matt, Joe, Hen, Micah, and Sugaree.

This is of Bryan, Matt, e, Jon, Coley, and Micah perched on the "Porch of Afternoon Drunkeness" in Jamaica.  I think e proposed to our maid on this porch, but no one can seem to remember.  Must have been a great trip!  Good thing for pictures.

One day in Jamaica e, Jon, TR, Mizka, Mattijuana, and Josef the Great decided to make a sand sculpture of a woman.  Her name is Mariella.  She was a major hottie and she never accidentally burned any of us with a cigarette or spilled beer.  Great woman.  Also pictured is Hen's leg!  Sexy huh?


This picture was taken on the "Island of 1,000 Cats" in Jamaica.  Think about the possibilities when there are five guys, one Amy, three Red Stripes, and two MLs!  Nothing shocking here.

Luis de Bolivia, Jose, Matt, and Jenni throwin down in Uncle Bill's basement Easter Weekend.  Luis is drinking some ungodly concoction and Jenni...oh my gosh...she's holding a cigarette.  At this point, she said something like "Hey Luis, can I put out my cigarette on your arm?  It won't hurt....much!"  We could never get Jenni out of our minds.  Mostly because of all the scars we have to remind us!

The Pornstar, Mattmo, and Hankles on the beach outside of a bar/club in Jamaica.  We aren't too sure about this picture but we think "Mr. Boombastic" was playing in the background.

Ah yes, its Ice Cream man impersonation day!  We once again swindled some uniforms from unsuspecting sailors on leave in NYC.

This summer, Sugaree took a trek to the Heartland, where everything with wheels was American made, and everything with long hair was actually a woman.  Hankles rendezvous-ed the short fat man in sunny Carmel Indiana where they sold warm beer on the supermarket shelves.  The Hoosiers were present, and lookin dandy as always.  We had a great time.  The Beast.
Kings Island, OH

Can anyone figure out why these three guys are so flippin' happy?  Hmmm.  Could it be the beer?  Wait.  That's not a beer, Grandma, it's a COLA, can't you see?  This was the 4th of July '98 in Ocean City, NJ.  The very same night Matty and Jon decided to set off fireworks under some guy's porch or something, only after we were chased by Baywatch for the same reason.  It was a great time, even though the real truth isn't to be divulged on this page.  Sorry, you'll have to kill me before it gets out . . .


Here's one from the Archives.  I think this was some kind of Halloween costume our friends dared us to wear.  We were going for the toy soldier look, or was it the flying monkeys from OZ?  Anyway, you can tell from all the action in the picture that it was one rip-roarin' throw down, that's probably why we can't remember what the heck we were doing in those outfits.


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