This is our page of Dedications!
We thought it would be prudent to say hello and thank you to all the people who had absolutely nothing to do with the production of this page and who we love.

To Dave Matthews, without who we would never have lyrics to ponder on those lonely days.  To Ed, thanks for keeping track of our girls for us.  To the crew of Saturday Night Live, for producing characters like Judge Judy and Leon Phelps, The Ladies' Man.  We've had many laughs.  To the Indy trio, for your countless efforts in keeping us sane and for driving out to Philly and Connecticut.  To the math and physics departments, for keeping the academic egos in check.  You're going down baby!  To Tex and Mom Brooks for support and two years of torture.  We're gonna make it...maybe!  To Tracy, Jeanne, and Cristy for the ever-so drunk weekends in early December.  To Larry of Negril, for almost killing that guy who stole the beer.  To the Jamaican Miller Lite girls, for leaving cases and cases and cases of brew unattended.  To Joceyln the waitress, for trying to keep six obnoxious, young, egotistical men in check and for making the concoction even more powerful.  To the academic board, for allowing us all to stay together.  You're going down too!  To Kankles, for screwing us over in the beginning.  To Libby and Jenny, for preparing your houses in Auburn for the summer onslaught.  To the Ritzers, for the hospitality many times.  Just watch out for the second plate of brownies!  To the crew at Taco Bell, for not being open at 4am on our return trip into Newark Airport.  To our good friend John Daniels.  To the Gods of Keg.  To the creator of Baywatch, and the management at Victoria's Secret.  To all the BP's who had to clean up after one of our crew had a "blue ballish" weekend.  To the Jamaican maids, who loved to hate us in our cute looks and messy habits.  To all the girls who, at one time or another, turned any one of us down. . . DAMN!. . . don't YOU feel stupid now!  To Adam Sandler, possibly one of the best actors Hollywood who puts out to dirty our minds and to give the best quotes.  To Team Wibben for cutting our Porn Star from the line up.  To the Fitzpatricks in Philly for not blowing a porch light when they returned from Florida.  To Uncle Pete and Aunt Susan, for the weekend getaways and the kick ass basement fully stocked with a bar.  To Andrea, Jora, and Anna, for the great weekend in Delaware.  To the Op For, for allowing Jonny, Matrix, and Micah to sleep.  To Mrs. Tetu for the greatest mother/non-son talk ever.  To the Newtons, for creating a son who is a mixture of Ricky Shroeder, Zack Morris, and Eddie Haskel.  To Renn, for the lease of the jeepy so many times.  To Amy R, sorry.  To all the people who put up with our doo doo:  The Hellands, The Nordqui, La Familia Lopez-Gallego, The Bogardus', The Swiss Family Ritz, Tex and Momma B., The Tylers, and The Newtons.  To all of the great cabbies in NYC that have dealt with us and our interesting ways of paying them.  To the cabbies in Negril with their own special death wishes.  To Scare Ed, you're a scary dude.  To the Budweiser girls at the Newark airport.  To the Purple Dragons; "Ride the Snake."  We still want to know : "Where are your papers?" and, "What ... is your name?"  To the writers of Monty Python.  To the photo shop here for developing all of our film, dirty!  To FreeCell.  To the cold icy north, from where some of our best friends have come -- long live icehouses and skidoo.  To John Stamos, we envy you!  To the Thetas at Columbia Univ. for being so great to our little boy Coley, take care of him.  To RJR for ruining our health and taking our money, thanks a lot for nothing.  Please send beer to the following address for a good cause . . .   To Netscape for entertaining us for the past 2 long years.  Some of us would like to add the following shout out : "Go PRE!"  To Kevin, Danny T., Renn, Andy Mac, Beth T., Eva, KJ, Danya, Missy, Liz, Root, Debbie Flan, Bill, Bob, Kim, Amy R, Carey at UVA, Fiona K., Fitz, Tossit, and Bushwick, for the mistakes, memories, and futuristic occurrences. Lastly, to all the lads, of Irish descent or not, for the greatest friends in the history of frienditude...or something.  Look back!  Two years of glorious revolution.  Look ahead!  Nevermind, its too scary!  Thanks to all!  We love you!

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