The Refigerator is full.......


Domestic and foreign beers of choice for barbeques, picnics, tailgates, drinking games, or in preparation to do christmas shopping:

1.  Honey Brown-----  The preferred beverage at almost any event.  We believe that the three of us and five other friends are solely responsible for the 146% rise in this fine malt's annual sales.  The taste is sweet, sweet, and sweeter.  After consuming five or more, which is considered Binge Drinking to some authorities, the taste of most beers is non-existent.  Honey Brown just gets even more perky.  Gimme my HBI! (Honey Brown Injection).

2.  Red Stripe-----  This lager was the choice drink (along with Absolut Vodka and Appleton's Rum) on our spring break trip to Negril, Jamaica.  Although it sits mighty warm in the Jamaican sun, this beer seems to not only quench thirst but is good with several spicy dishes.  Who are we kidding....we like it for the alcohol content.

3.  Miller Lite-----  I'm sure we'll take a major turn to the redneck side with this choice.  We like ML for several different reasons.  One, the thirty pack dominates the cost side of drinking. You can't get more for less!  Second, we didn't hardly have to pay for ML while we were in Jamaica.  Thanks goes out to the wonderful Jamaican Miller Lite girls for their support.....and lack of bouncers around their beer tubs.

4.  Corona----  We figured that any beer that is consumed with a piece of fruit is worthy of note.  This is by far the best beer to drink with any meal, especially with pretzels and chips.  However, this isn't a pounding-type beer.  The Gods of Keg strictly forbide it!

5. Affligem Tripel---- Once upon a time, a wise man made an illustrious journey to the land of dark castles, ancient abbeys, and time-honored breweries.  This was a land where men were men, women were women, and the Monks could brew some hoppin suds!  Belgium.  Yes, it is in Belgium that the Opwijk Monks brew the most heavenly ale known to man.  One day we, too, hope to make the pilgrimage to the promised land and partake.  Until then, we have only this quaint reminder of what is to come.  Affligem Tripel.

Beer Quotes:

Here are a few beer quotes for the humorous side of life.  All files are in wav format.

 Homer 1
 Homer 2
 Homer 3
 PCU 1

Thanks for opening the Icebox!  May your journeys in the name of beer be blessed by the Gods of Keg!

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