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The non stop saga of my life!
Welcome to my Homepage!!
Glad to have you, grab a seat and
get comfortable and lets begin our journey.
Be sure to sign and tell me what you think!!
Feel free to browse the other coments as well!
For those regulars to my site, this is the area where I tell everyone of my status of living.  I'm still here in Michigan.  There are no jobs anywhere so I'm starting to think that I'm stuck here.  I would like to move, I was hoping to be moved by now, but I'm afraid it's going to take a little longer than expected.
Well hello again!  I'm glad to see people are coming to my site, even though it hasn't been updated in awhile!!  I've taken an evening and updated pages that were in desperate need of updating (I got your message Billie).  I'm still Pete, I still live in South eastern Michigan, and still at the same firm.  Things are becoming old quick.  I'm trying to plan a big move but this wonderful economy is playing games with me.  I'm doing well and my outlook on love is less, angry if you will.  I still don't think I'll ever find the love I'm looking for, but I do believe it exists, that's a start.  Well I hope you enjoy the new format and come back often!! If you have any questions or comments you can sign my guest book or contact me here:
As for my graduate degree, I pretty much laugh at the idea now.  I'm looking into other avenues of life.  We'll see what I find, keep praying for me!
this is me relaxing!
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Always Under Construction!
Well the sagas are updated!  Finally I know.  So much has happened in two years, marriages, divorces, breakups, and so much more!!  It's hard to believe how fast time goes and how much life is in each minute!  If I'm incorrect on any of this information please email me and let me know!
My Saga Called Life:
The Wendy's Saga:
The Pharmx Saga:
My Family
Pete : The younger years
Pete: The college years
The Factory Years
The Babies
It began in high school
You can check out my sisters site, it's pretty cool, it tells you all about the plague against college students that golf carts have created!  It's very scarry, don't read it alone, it's an eye opener!!!  Click here:
check out the best band!
Make sure you check out all the pages, and run your mouse over them and see if there's any surprises behind them!!  you just never know!!