November 10, 2008

I pulled off a feat this weekend.  I wrote 4,000 words on Saturday and 5,000 words on Sunday!  Go me!  I'm so proud of myself, yet I know that I have a lot more to go.  Especially because everywhere I look, the NaNoWriMoers all say that this second week is the most difficult.  Apparently our plots are supposed to run thin and our characters become cardboard.  I'm determined not to let this happen to me.  I will write every day this week instead of making a huge push on the weekend to make my deadline.  The huge push I make this weekend, which I hope some of you will join me on, will serve to make me a big ol' word cushion so that should I run into problems during week 3, I have something to back me up.

I'm so happy that I've got a decent (in my opinion anyway) plot going.  I've included and excerpt below.  It's a fairly large excerpt, and PLEASE keep in mind that it's a very rough first draft!!  I don't want any opinion on it unless it's a good one.  Don't try to correct grammar or spelling.  All of my editing will begin in December.  All of that said, please enjoy:

Asia was lost.  Again.  She always got lost.  Her sense of direction was totally off.  People always told her north or south when she wanted to know left or right.  She could never get her bearings.  Her sense of direction while driving was a metaphor for her life.  Every time she tried to pull herself out of something, she would be worse off than before.  That's one of the reasons why Wayne was just too good to be true.  A long lost family member?  That was rich too?  Yeah, right. But he had the proof, so she chose to believe him.  But, she still couldn't fully trust him.  That's why she was going to meet this person who had contacted her about a new job.  Asia had put her resume online, having fluffed it up with work she had been doing for Wayne.  For all her foul sense of direction on the road and in life, she still thought she had a fairly common sense head on her shoulders.  She learned quickly when taught.  So, now she was going for her first interview in, well, a really, really long time.  The person, who identified themselves in the email by only their last name, Calor,
Flowers appear on the earth;
  the season of singing has come
  the cooing of doves
  is heard in our land.
                                              ~Song of Solomon 2:12
Contact Info:
Name: April Knight
had asked Asia to meet them in the middle of nowhere.  Asia thought that odd at first, but Calor had explained that if Asia were hired, then she'd be doing a lot of paperwork and even archaeological type stuff for the site.  So, Calor felt it would be good for Asia to get a feel for the place.
     When Asia finally arrived she felt a chill in the air even though it was middle of summer.  She shivered and couldn't believe the temperature difference between the city and the country.  She knew the city created its own heat, but it didn't usually seem to be that big of a difference.  As she looked aroun, she began to feel like she knew the place, like some part of her had been here before, but she knew she had never seen it.  She had lived in Amarillo her entire life, never venturing outside the city even once until Wayne came to her.  She waited 15 minutes.  She looked around and saw no one else.  It was pretty flat out here, so it would be very difficult to miss someone.  As she turned to get back into her car, thinking she was probably just still lost and Calor was most likely waiting for her at the correct spot, something white closed over her face forcefully.  Then everything went black.