Miscellaneous New Photos
October - December 2000
In case you don't recognize him, the guy in the middle is Bruce
Campbell, who's best known as the star of the cult classic film "Army
of Darkness," one of three in the "Evil Dead" trilogy. He
came to Tech on November 9th and spoke to a full house about his experience (and
he's had a lot) in the film and entertainment industry. He was
frickin' hilarious, and all of his hardcore fans were delighted to see
him. From left, that's Justin, Ryan, Jeremy, and moi.
On October 21, my roomies and I
went out to the New River Gorge in West Virginia for Bridge Day. It's the
one day a year they close down half the bridge to traffic and let people walk on
it and watch skydivers plummet the nearly 900 feet to the bottom. No, we
didn't get to jump... you hafta be a licensed professional, and it costs like
$60 to jump. About 450 people jumped that day, and good fun was had by all
(and no, nobody's parachute didn't open, ya sick bastards. Don't you think
I'd take a picture if that happened?)
The circle is the landing target... most people didn't hit
it, which is why the boats are there. :)
June 2000
No, Greg didn't have a kid :) This is our new cousin
Tyler, whom our Uncle Keith and Aunt Lisa just adopted from Romania last summer. He's
two years old and he is absolutely adorable, and we're all delighted to welcome
him into the Adams family.
January - April, 2000
This is Ed Baxter (a.k.a. Crazy Eddie), my roommate from last spring. Actually,
despite his wacky appearance in these pictures, Ed's a real laid back kinda
guy. He's one of those cool guys that everyone likes, and we got along
really well. He's transferred to Management Science from Engineering. He's really
into kung fu, and I bet one day he's gonna be all hardcore and kick a bunch of
This was my side of my room last year, 508 O'Shaughnessy. It was one of the
awesome big rooms that I was jealous of freshman year. That guy on the left is
Chris, our next-door neighbor. He's sitting on couch that we stole from
the lounge... after about a month, one of the RAs noticed it and we had to put
it back :(
I took this from the window at the end of my hall. This was the first snow
of the season, which was celebrated by the traditional midnight snowball fight
on the drillfield. Ed and I took out my water balloon launcher and pounded
the hell out of our "opponents" (pretty much anyone we could
hit). The view overlooks Owens dining hall, on the right; War Memorial
Gym, on the left; Eggleston, in the center; and Burruss Hall, across the
drillfield in the distance.
The weekend after Valentine's Day, Martha and I went to Tau Delta house with May
and Derek for some raucous fun. This jolly fellow is John Hodge, a friend
of mine from North Carolina. He's an engineering major, and thus he has a
twisted but sophisticated sense of humor.
For those of you with modems, I'll be nice and continue on a new page...